An ugly sweater. A book you have no in interest in. A leg lamp. Whatever unwanted item you’ve been gifted this year you’re in luck because you don’t have to keep it–for the most part.
Sure it’s the thought that counts but let’s face it returning an awful gift and getting something you actually want is ideal. But there are some caveats to returning gifts this holiday season like tougher return policies.
According to the National Retail Federation, 83% of stores are keeping their return policies the same this year while 13% are tightening them particularly when the returns are on electronics.
Says ConsumerWorld, “Many stores continue to “slice and dice” their return policies, creating complicated rules for different categories of items. Electronic items may be subject to stricter rules than say, clothing. Computers, digital cameras, and opened goods may be subject to limited return rights, restocking fees, shorter return periods, or no refunds at all, in part to discourage buyers from “renting” goods for the weekend and to help thwart return fraud. Online policies may also differ from store rules.”
The biggest name making a significant change to its return policy: Target. According to ConsumerWorld, customers returning computer hardware (netbooks, eReaders, tablets), cameras and camcorders must now be return their items in 45 days–not 90, and open items may be denied a refund/exchange. The good news: Target‘s previous 15% restocking fee has been dropped.
At BestBuy, the holiday return policy has been shortened by a week but it’s and is now waiving its restocking fee on special orders. For certain Reward Zone members the return policy is extended.
Kids don’t like their toys? Wells Toys-R-Us is keeping its 45 day return policy for electronics and similar items but if the items! are ope ned they can’t be returned.
Wal-Mart has adjusted its return policy for the season for items that usually are subject to limited 15 and 30 days returns. For items purchased between November 1 and December 24 the limited return period won’t begin until December 26. That includes electronics like cameras, TVs, computers and DVD players.
Amazon’s return policy can get tricky. In addition to its regular return policy it also has has 30 different product-specific return policies. And there’s a list of items does not accept:
- Items that are classified as hazardous materials or use flammable liquids or gases
- Computer laptops, desktops, and Kindles more than 30 days after delivery
- Any product missing the serial number or UPC
- Downloadable software products
- Gift cards
- Pay As You Go (or prepaid) phone cards
- Prepaid game cards (World of Warcraft, Xbox 360 Live, Wii Points, etc.)
- Items purchased from sellers other than
- Some Jewelry orders
- Some Health & Personal Care items
- Grocery products
Macy’s has a fairly generous return policy all year round. Most items are accepted within 180 days all year round. And as ConsumerWorld points out Macy’s affixes a customer return label to its items so a receipt may not be necessary.
Here are some more tips from ConsumerWorld:
- Don’t fight the crowds on the return lines the day after Christmas; grab some of the advertised bargains instead. Go back a day or two later. To improve your chances of getting full credit, provide a sales slip or gift receipt, return the item in new condition, unopened, and with all packaging material. Returns without a receipt are subject to the posted return policy, which might result in your receiving only a merchandise credit for the lowest price the item has sold for recently, or possibly no refund or exchange at all.
- If the item to be returned is de! fective, some states such as Massachusetts, require the store to give the consumer his/her choice of one of the three “R’s”: repair, replacement or refund, irrespective of the store’s posted return policy.
- Consumers who have a problem returning a gift, should first contact the store manager or customer service department of the retailer. If a satisfactory resolution is not obtained, then a complaint can be filed with the state Attorney General’s office or local consumer agency.
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