Meet Jeff Siegel
Jeff Siegel is the managing editor of Green Chip Stocks, an investment advisory service focusing on stocks in the alternative/renewable energy markets, as well as the lucrative organic food and sustainable living sectors.
Jeff's Green Chip Stocks portfolio has earned exceptional returns for his readers each of the last three years. His average yearly portfolio returns:
2005: +40.66%
2006: +29.7%
2007: +26.9%
Jeff is a new breed of investor. Part entrepreneur, part Renaissance man, Jeff is an accomplished musician and writer, having recorded and performed all over the world - from London to Rome to New York. He was even called upon to score part of the latest Exorcist prequel.
From 1994 to 2001, Jeff worked for Agora Publishing, one of the largest financial newsletter publishers in the world.
In the past 6 years, he's traveled across America searching for mega-trends that'll usher in a new generation of wealth.
Once a week in Green Chip Stocks, Jeff highlights investment opportunities in the fast-growing "Green" market.
A Government Mandated Bull Market
SB-1 mandates that solar power systems must be offered as a standard item on new homes - developers of more than 50 new single family homes must offer this option to customers beginning January 1, 2011.
Solar Fact #1: Every hour, the sun radiates more energy onto the earth than the entire human population uses in one whole year.
Solar Fact #2: As prices for coal, natural gas and oil have soared, solar power has been getting perhaps its most serious look from investors since President Jimmy Carter pulled on a cardigan and asked Americans to damp their furnaces. The new interest means that the handful of domestic solar top stocks to buy has been surging, too."
--The New York Times, September 11th, 2005
Solar Fact #3: Few power-generation technologies have as little impact on the environment as photovoltaics. As it quietly generates electricity from light, PV produces no air pollution or hazardous waste. It doesn't require liquid or gaseous fuels to be transported or combusted. And because its energy source--sunlight--is free and abundant, PV systems can guarantee access to electric power."
--U.S. Department of Energy
According to a recent study from the Appraisal Institute, the selling price of homes increases by $20.73 for every $1 decrease in annual electric bills. Using this 20:1 multiplier, a typical 3kW system--costing about $12,000 after incentives and saving about $1,000 in annual energy costs--will increase the value of your home by $20,000.
On August 21, 2006 the government passed "SB-1 Energy Dividend Act" into law. The law allows homeowners a legal way to run their electric meters backwards… and it's making some people rich:
Larry Hagman -- the actor who played J.R. Ewing on the hit drama series Dallas � took advantage of it on his 42-acre avocado farm… and has seen his electric bill fall from $37,000 per year to just $13! He now banks over $36,000 each year!
Debbie and Tom Lake from Long Beach, California also took the plunge. They now pay just $1.34 a month for their electricity. -- Wall Street Journal
All across America, homeowners and businesses alike are slashing their energy costs by switching to a new power source and running their meters backwards.
The new energy source doesn't use coal, natural gas, oil or nuclear. It's completely clean, abundant and rapidly growing in use.
In fact, according to the Wall Street Journal, the number of homes running their meter backwards nearly tripled between 2002 and 2006... going from 2,805 to 7,446. Industry officials say this number will exceed 11,000 this year.
And it's all thanks to a little California government law that's quickly growing in popularity across America -- CA SB-1. It allows you to collect money from the utility companies.
The best part is, there's a company -- the only company publicly traded of its kind -- showing homeowners how to do it.
Turning an obscure government law into the electric company's worst nightmare
Here's how it works...
A typical large house in the San Jose, California area with air conditioning or a swimming pool will use about 1,500 kWh (kilowatt hours) of electricity per month. At current PG&E rates (the area's electric company), this level of consumption works out to about $300 per month for electricity averaged throughout the year.
With a state-wide population of about 39 million, PG&E is cleaning up.
But now, thanks to SB-1, a law, signed in August of 2006, Americans are finding the expensive electric bill to be a thing of the past. And savvy investors are setting themselves up for a windfall...
How is this possible?
Because the energy source I'm talking about is solar energy... and the tiny company I'm about to reveal to you is a solar panel installation company. And that's why I'm writing to you today -- this company is one of two publicly-traded solar panel installation companies in America.
There are a lot of publicly-traded companies that make solar panels like First Solar, SunPower and Suntech. But this tiny $8 company is the only one that actually comes to your home and installs the panels. It's a pure play on the booming panel installation market.
On September 24, this small solar panel installation company finally listed its shares for trading on the NASDAQ exchange.
Prior to that, it traded on the OTC bulletin board, where it didn't get a lot of attention from Wall Street or John Q. Investor.
In the interest of full disclosure, I should tell you that I recommended this stock in my trading service last year. I got my traders into the stock for a measly $3 a share.
Well, when the stock moved to the NASDAQ, it shot up to record levels!
And my readers banked a gain of over 316%.
Now that this solar stock is trading on the widely-followed NASDAQ, it has matured from a speculative trade to a long-term investment.
Because now that it's on the NASDAQ, big institutional investors like Bear Stearns and Goldman Sachs can buy this top stock easily.
And the buying has begun. On the first day the stock traded on the NASDAQ, volume for this little puppy was over 1 million shares. That's massive, considering the stock's average daily volume was just 175,000!
On the second day?
Another million shares.
But this is just the beginning, trust me.
You see, solar is the new oil. It's an energy source that's abundant, clean and it never runs out. The price of solar energy is coming down... and it'll soon be competitive with oil, gas and coal.
That's why big investment institutions are lining up to buy this stock just like they did with First Solar and SunPower. These solar companies have exploded to the upside as investors have rushed the doors in an effort to participate in the hottest technology in alternative energy. Here are the charts for these two top stocks for 2010:

I think our tiny solar installation stock will follow the same path. Why?
First, because the solar bull market is still in its infancy. It's only a year or two old. So we have a lot of time to make a lot of money in the solar market.
And second, because this small company is literally the only pure solar panel installation corporation that's publicly traded. Add the fact that they control the largest solar markets in America--California, New York, Connecticut and New Jersey--and you get the picture. This stock is a Roman candle about to be lit.
Seriously, it's the only game in town, my friend. And when there's only one way to play a certain industry--an industry that's super hot--the chances are high that a massive tsunami of investment dollars will flood into the best stock to buy.
What will occur is an investment phenomenon known as "too many dollars chasing one stock".
So you can see why I've turned super bullish on this best stock to buy... because there's going to be a feeding frenzy as all these investment dollars rush into it.
But there's more...
Insiders control a ton of shares. In fact, they control roughly 44% of the company's outstanding shares. They own about 12 million shares. That's massive, and I love it. I love it when the company's management has such a large vested interest in seeing their stock perform well.
So far, the stock has done quite well under their leadership. Like I said, my traders have been rewarded with over 316% in the past 12 months.
The rest of the shares--another 15 million--are in the float. That means there are 12 million shares available to individual investors like you and me... as well as to big Wall Street investment firms.
I'm telling you this for a specific reason.
As of this writing, only about 4% of the stock is owned by institutions. That's a paltry 1.3 million shares.
Now, institutions are ready to buy big blocks of this best stock to buy. When they do this, the price will be forced up. Buying = increasing stock prices.
That's why it's vital that you buy this best stock now... while it's still trading under $8 a share.
How to Play the Solar Bull Market
We've seen this before.
Every time there's a new "angle" to play in the solar market, there's a rush on certain top stocks to buy.
For example, about 3 years ago, the largest solar manufacturers were announcing that silicon, a key component in solar production, was in short supply.
In fact, take a look at MEMC Electronic Materials (WFR:NYSE).
MEMC manufactures silicon wafer technology for the solar industry. And in 2004, right before the silicon rush, the stock was trading at $8 a share.
Today, only three years later, it trades around $82 a share.

I'll talk more about the parallels with MEMC in a minute, but first let me tell you why this emerging California solar company is following in the same footsteps.
You see, this stock is small, trading at a market cap of around $200 million. And it's completely under Wall Street's radar.
But that's changing. And changing fast.
Wall Street is tripping over itself trying to find new and promising solar top stocks to invest in.
And the reason is simple: Major profits!
Not only are alternative energy top stocks red-hot right now, posting an average annual gain of more than 40% since 2003, but these companies represent the next generation of energy.
Take a look at the New Alternatives ETF, a fund that tracks solar, geothermal, wind and ethanol top stocks for 2010:

It's the future. Plain and simple.
To give you an example, when First Solar went public in November '06, the buying frenzy shocked many traders unfamiliar with the progress in the alternative energy markets... but not me.
You see, this company was bringing updated technology that was disruptive to your run-of-the-mill solar energy company. It was bringing a "new angle".
Much like our young solar installation stock right now.
Analysts originally predicted that First Solar's stock would open somewhere between $16 and $18 a share. But on the morning of November 17, shares of First Solar opened at $25 a share, and never looked back.
Today it trades for $227 a share!
And it commands a market cap of $17.2 BILLION! And that's on sales of $237 million.
Solar's Sunny Days
With the solar energy industry booming, there's been a trickle-down effect, too. Any company directly or indirectly connected with solar is benefiting.
Again, take a look at MEMC Electronic Materials, for example. It's a global supplier of silicon wafer technology to the solar industry.
Its stock has soared in value, going from $1.05 in 2001 to a high today of over $80. That's a gain of nearly 5,995%.
With gains like that, investors are making fortunes in alternative energy top stocks to buy.
That's why I'm so bullish on my tiny solar panel installation stock. It's next in line for blockbuster gains.I'm predicting that every $10,000 invested will turn into $20,000 within 12 months.
Double up and you're looking at $40,000.
Sounds too good to be true? One of my favorite solar recommendations, World Water & Power (WWAT.OB), has gone from $0.14 in 2006 to over $2.50 this year.
Take a look:

Likewise, I think this new solar roof stock will easily hit $24.00 by this time next year... and maybe $77 a share (just like MEMC Electronic) within three years.
You can still pick up shares of this solar stock for less than $8 a share!
In a minute, I'll tell you how to get a piece of the action. But first, let me tell you why...
You Must Erase "Alternative" from Alternative Energy
Let me dispel a myth. "Alternative"--as in alternative energy--isn't "alternative" anymore. It's going mainstream.
Over the past several years, FedEx, Staples, the Timberland Co., Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Macy's, Tiffany & Co, Toyota, Target, Lowe's, corporate behemoth Wal-Mart and even the U.S. Department of Defense have begun installing solar panels at their stores and facilities.
Now listen, I don't want you to be disillusioned. These companies aren't installing solar panels because they've suddenly become concerned about global warming.
No, they've installed solar panels because it'll reduce their electric bills by as much as 90% each month.
That's what's driving the boom in solar energy.
But it's a boom that still hasn't caught on with John Q. Investor.
In fact, the ordinary investor doesn't have a clue about the potential in these top stocks for 2010. Let me explain...
It wasn't that long ago that I attended the Solar Power Conference and Expo in Washington, D.C.
It's one of the largest, most influential future and clean energy conferences in America, where policymakers and leaders in the energy industries learn about the latest in solar technologies.
It was there that I had an epiphany.
You see, while attending a press conference with Senator Lamar Alexander (chairman of the subcommittee on energy) and three of the most powerful CEOs in the solar industry, I made an important and profitable discovery--one that has already made some investors a lot of money!
On that Friday afternoon, in a makeshift pressroom in the basement of the Hyatt Regency hotel, only eight journalists were meticulously taking notes.
Eight journalists! That's it!
That's when I realized the average investor is still clueless as to just how lucrative this market is.
But that's OK. Because while these guys sleep through what is already shaping up to be one of the most profitable markets of the 21st century, a group of wise investors is making a fortune in solar.
In fact, the last solar manufacturer I recommended has already delivered gains of more than 245% in the past six months.
But I'm expecting even more from this next one.
Let me show you why, of all the publicly traded solar companies, this is the one you must own.
$40 to 50 billion in revenue by 2010
During the energy crisis of the 1970s, serious interest in solar technology took hold in the U.S. But due to prohibitive prices, large-scale applications were nearly impossible.
However, in 2008, with oil trading over $90 a barrel, interest in solar has returned. Only this time, PV is cost-effective.
In 1976, the average selling price per watt was about $100. Today it's significantly less. Take a look:

With such a drastic reduction in price, coupled with the ever-increasing price of oil, it's no wonder that both residential and industrial consumers are starting to flock towards solar alternatives.
In fact, since 2001, the global photovoltaic market has averaged about 40% annual growth. And this year alone, PV production is expected to reach 1.5 gigawatts, representing approximately $11 billion in revenue. That's double its level in 2003.
By 2010, analysts estimate global PV manufacturing will be sufficient to meet one third of new U.S. electric demand annually--representing $40 to 50 billion in revenue!
There's no doubt the PV business is booming.
Mother Nature is bullish on solar!
Something very important is going to happen this winter that's going to push the renewable energy market to new heights--especially solar!
This winter, Americans will pay nearly twice as much as they paid last year in heating bills.
And mark my words, when the first really nasty cold snap forces consumers (especially business owners) to jack their thermostats past 70, the market is going to warm up to solar, fast!
Here's why...
Over the past two years, the solar industry has hit new highs every time Mother Nature reminded us who's boss.
Last summer, for example, Arizona had record peak usage and almost maxed out capacity when the state endured record-breaking temperatures as high as 108 degrees Fahrenheit.
And only a few days after hurricane Katrina ripped New Orleans to shreds (and devoured its electrical grid), solar stocks soared.
Of course, these are two examples where Mother Nature's effect on energy supplies was relatively short-lived.
But a little later this year will be the beginning of at least three to four months of blistering cold weather--and overwhelming heating bills.
It will be a cold and hard wake-up call for most of the country when we finally realize that natural gas and fossil fuels are no longer cheap and abundant. And the reality of renewable energy is going to take hold more strongly than you've ever seen before.
And one company that's going to exploit this for everything it's worth is featured in my special report, SB-1 Energy Dividends.
In this report I outline why this solar company--with a market cap of just $220 million--stands to profit more than almost any other solar energy company on the planet.
Even when matched against industry giants like Sharp, Kyocera and BP Solar!
But you have to act fast.
Energy legislation is scorching hot on the Hill right now.
And the extension of the solar tax credit is right around the corner.
The last solar tax credit extension for just one year pushed solar through the roof.
Just imagine what this next eight-year extension's going to do!
Rest assured, this thing's going to get passed. And really, for no other reason than that every politician in Washington knows this one's a big-time vote-getter.
That's why I want you to buy this solar energy stock right now, before it goes up any further.
And that's why I want to offer you my latest report, SB-1 Energy Dividends, completely FREE of charge when you become a member of my cutting-edge investment service, Green Chip Stocks.
Let me explain...
Welcome to Green Chip Stocks
Green Chip Stocks represents the most important stocks traded today, for one simple reason--these are the stocks that will be the catalysts for the first real profit trend of the 21st century.
A profit trend that is already worth more than $30 billion in its infancy!
Grabbing your share now is like getting a piece of the automobile market back in 1908. And I don't mean just Ford, either. I'm talking about the market as a whole. Oil, rubber tires, road construction, etc.
Turning the Green Movement into Mountains of Greenbacks
Let me introduce myself. My name is Jeff Siegel.
I worked for one of America's largest financial publishers 1994 to 2001, learning about the financial markets from some of the top investment minds in the world.
For the past six years, I've been traveling the world investigating the current state and the future of energy.
My travels have taken me to Rome, London, New York... and everywhere in between.
Now, I was taught that the time to invest in a stock or industry is when nobody is talking about it. You sell it when everybody is talking about it.
And that's why I'm writing to you today. Even though solar stocks are rising, the solar industry is where the oil industry was in 1920 -- it's still an infant!
I have a report I want to give you for joining my investment service, Green Chip Stocks.
The report is SB-1 Energy Dividends. This report features my favorite energy stock, the only publicly-traded solar panel company in America.
Now trading for less than $9 a share, I think this stock is a potential blockbuster that could return over 200% in just 12 months.
Simply fill out your membership form and I'll immediately send you a username and password that'll give you access to the report.
Plus, when you join Green Chip Stocks, you'll receive my members-only weekly letter, which updates you on current positions and alerts you to new stocks I'm recommending.
So, you get the report, SB-1 Energy Dividends, plus 52 issues of Green Chip Stocks.
Not a bad deal... for just $79 a year.
Especially when you consider our track record.
The fact is, we were the first to launch this kind of service focusing strictly on "green" markets.
And we were the first to bring our readers stocks like XsunX (XSNX.OB), which we sold for a 545.95% gain, and Regi U.S. (RGUS.OB), which we sold for a 218% gain, and Wild Oats (OATS:NASDAQ), which we sold for a 74.5% gain.
For less than $0.22 a day, you just can't beat gains like that!
If at any time you're not completely satisfied with the quality of service and commentary offered, simply cancel before 30 days and I'll refund every penny.
And this next one--our $8 solar installation stock--is already shaping up to be our next triple-bagger.
So don't wait.
Get it now while it's still trading below $8.