Some resourceful traders are finding ways to make between 23.4% and 100% a week ― without ever buying or selling top stocks for 2010.
What are they doing?
Put simply, they're making a fortune trading FOREX options.
And as a loyal Penny Sleuth reader, we'd like to help you get into the game. To help you get started, we've found a way to get you in on six free months of a new, aggressive FOREX options trading research service…
How would you like six free months of our newest, aggressive options trading research service?
No kidding.
With gains like 100% overnight,23.4% in 48 hours, and 70% in just 4 days already in the books ― six full free months could make you wealthy. And who knows? Six full free months could even put six figures in the bank.
What you're about to read is that important.
In fact, I expect my number of readers to double.
Hundreds have already jumped on board with what I'm about to show you.
You can join them � and start getting the chance at gains like 100% in one day, 33.24% in just a week, and 70% in only 4 days.
I'll explain exactly how you can claim your six free months at the end of this letter.
Nobody gives anything away for six months, especially if it's going to make me bunches of money. I bet that's what you're thinking.
I understand how you feel. What I'm about to reveal might shock you…it also stands to make you very, very rich this year.
Give me just three minutes of your time, and I'll show you why I'm actually thrilled to give you 6 full months of options picks for FREE.
The Forex Strategy The Pros Use � Yours FREE For Six Months � Quick, Safe, Fast Gains For The Taking
The best Forex (FX) traders make huge gains no matter if the markets are up or down.
In just a moment, I'll show you how I've recently enjoyed tremendous success and produced gains like ―
33.24% in a week
23.4% in 48 hours
Even 100% in one day
Those profit plays were among a handful that went to a select group of test readers. If you act today, you can join them risk-free.
How's that sound?
I'll even introduce you to folks just like you who receive my step-by-step recommendations.
They aren't FX experts. They aren't Wall Street pros.
They're everyday people who're making repeatable and huge gains.
And what I'm about to show you is safe. It's fast. It's fun. And it's easy.
However I have to warn you, if you're interested in what I'm about to reveal, I must hear from you today. Because I'm offering 6 FULL MONTHS…for FREE. I'll explain how in a moment. All you have to do is claim it at the end of this letter…
First though, I should give you the background info. Including how easy it could be, with the right FX plays, to start making your own fast, repeatable profits.
Here's How YOU Could Make Easy Forex Profits
On Monday, Oct. 27, 2008 ― at 1:17 P.M., I sent a short email to my select group of testers. In this email, I recommended one simple FX trade.
If they wanted to take advantage of my recommendation, my testers didn't need any special knowledge. They never even had to look at a chart.
I laid out my case slowly and simply ― in a few words.
Even better, my testers don't need a special trading account. And they don't need to go through some complex brokerage to execute the recommended trades.
So how did my select group of testers fare with my simple recommendation?
I gave the sell alert via another simple, easy-to-follow email.
All I do is open up the world of FX trading to anyone who wants to take part ― and see some fast gains.
In fact, I've been perfecting my methods for over 15 years.
So rather than getting started with the FX markets by spending money for some course you see on TV, you could be making money with specific plays just days from today.
I'll prove it to you in just a second.
By now you're probably wondering how I made 100% in just over a day.
My secret is simple. And it could change your life forever...
Safe FX OPTIONS Maximize Profits
You know how with 2010 top stocks you can buy a call option if you think the price will go up? Or buy a put if you think the price will go down?
I can safely and easily play lucrative options on six major world currencies ― the British pound, the yen, the euro, the Swiss franc, the Australian dollar and the Canadian dollar.
These currency options I recommend trade on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. You can play FX options just like an option on a normal old stock.
Options are a great way to trade FX with strict minimum risk and very little starting capital.
Now here's the best part...
Even if everything I just said is Greek to you ― you can still get started with FX options.
And you could start raking in some serious money in a hurry.
It all goes back to my simple strategy ― just like I described in the emails I send to my testers.
Here's my philosophy on FX options in a nutshell: I do all the work. I tell you what I think the best play is. You decide whether to execute that play for maximum profits. That's all there is to it!
In just a moment, I'll even show you my entire strategy for picking the best FX options plays ― from start to finish.
I'll introduce you to my group of testers. They've been receiving my simple emails and raking in huge gains in just days...
And I have more exciting plays in store ― plays I want to share with you, starting today.
Remember though, if you're interested in what I'll show in the next few minutes, you must take action today. I can only offer 6 FULL MONTHS FOR FREE for a short period of time ― because I'm staking a lot just to send you this letter today. I'll give you the specifics in a moment.
To help you reach a decision, let me show you more about how I make such impressive FX options gains so fast...
FX Options Let You Control Your Profit Potential
On Nov. 4, 2008, I sent another one of my simple emails to my testers.
I recommended Eurodollar puts.
It was a bet against the value of the euro versus the U.S. dollar.
I told them exactly what they should pay for each option contract, and exactly the steps they needed to take if they wanted to put the trade into place.
Then, on Nov. 6 ― just two days later ― I sent another of my simple email alerts, complete with a specific recommendation to exit the position.
My readers could've walked away with up to 23.39% in gains. In just two days.
Gains like this are much faster and easier than what you could get with hot stocks for 2010.
Sadly, most people only invest in stocks.
I'm sure you know how that's turned out this year...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down about 40% since its highs in Oct. 2007.
It's not uncommon nowadays to see volatile swings of 4-5% or a single day.
Faced with all the current pain on Wall Street...
...11.65% per day ― for a total of 23.39% in two days ― well, it looks pretty good, right?
Of course it does. FX options give you a chance to make money no matter what's happening on Wall Street. In fact, FX options can actually become more lucrative as stocks price fall!
That brings me to what could be the biggest benefit of FX options.
Why I Haven't Bought a Single Best Stock in The Last Ten Years
I haven't bought a single best stock to buy in over 10 years. Why?
I can make huge gains, sometimes 100% or more in a day, with safe, simple FX options plays.
FX options let you remove yourself from the world of earnings reports and CEO hype you see in the stock market.
FX options return gains to you because of "big picture" trends anyone can understand. You just have to know how to choose the best options...
For example, say I buy a stock. I hold that stock and it goes up. Sometimes, I have to wait years for the stock to go up so much that I can actually make a nice profit by selling it.
Or...the stock could go down. Which is essentially the same as flushing hard-earned money down the drain. Because all sorts of things have to happen for the stock to start going up again.
That's pretty much it for stocks. Two basic outcomes.
OR...I could completely remove myself from the nastiness on Wall Street.
I could scoop up all my money and leave the table. Walk right out of their game and never look back.
That's exactly what I did a few years ago. I'll tell you my whole story in just a moment...including why I LOVE the fact I haven't bought a stock in over 10 years.
See, what I did is turned to something safer, even more liquid, and a lot faster to make the gains I want.
And it's exactly the power I want to share with you today.
Because people who buy and hold stocks ― you know they're getting hurt pretty badly right now.
Retirements are on the line. Pensions are being destroyed. People's lives and futures hang in the balance.
I feel badly for those folks. I truly do.
Because it doesn't have to be that way.
There's a safer way ― a way to make 100% in one day, or 23.39% in just two days, as I've shown.
And it's simple. It's not tricky. You don't have to be a "pro." You don't have to look at one single chart. You can simply follow my specific recommendation and wait for the gains to roll into your account.
I believe with everything I am that FX options are a way for regular people like you and me to see big money, sometimes overnight, in the largest and most lucrative market on the planet.
The FX market.
So far I've shown how I make my big gains, where I make them, and why they're the best type of gains in the markets today.
But I'm just getting started with the benefits to FX options plays.
I have so much more to show you.
Including the feedback I've recently received from some of my test readers.
In a moment, I'm even going to give you the chance to join them. But I can only keep my group open for a short time.
So if you're interested, you're going to have to act fast.
But that's later...because I want to share with you a bit of my personal philosophy. If it doesn't prove why FX options are the best place to make big gains, I don't know what will.
Buy-and-Hold Stock Strategies Are Risky and Outdated ― My FX Options Plays Give "Quick-Strike" Gains
On Oct. 27, 2008, I sent another of my short notes to my testers.
In my note, I explained why the November British pound 1.58 calls were a solid play.
I also told my readers exactly what to do.
One week. 33.24% gains.
That's a quick strike gain while the rest of Wall Street stumbles around, looking for the next piece of bad news that will send markets plummeting.
By now you're probably wondering, what is it about foreign currency options that make these quick strike gains possible over and over again?
The FX market is the most liquid in the world. There's a lot of cash floating around. In fact...
Over $4 trillion changes hands in FX trades...each day. Some days, that means up to 40 times more money is floating around in FX markets than in all the stock markets around the world...
All that money ― all that sloshing liquidity ― means one thing:
Positions change, are bought and sold, and MOVE more than in any other market on earth.
Here's the catch, and why you're in such special shape today...
Simply Rack Up Gains and Forget All The FX Hype You Hear
To trade FX professionally, I know analysts who use up to four huge computer monitors and are literally tied to their desks for up to 18 hours a day.
With all that cash floating around, the big guys have to be careful.
A position can go against them and erase fortunes in a hurry.
These "pro" traders ― the type of guys you see selling FX programs on late-night TV, aren't just in it for the money.
They trade FX to prove how tough they are. How much "pressure" they can take.
That's madness if you ask me.
I don't do it that way. I found a better way. Less stress. Less risk. Less effort.
All I do is take advantage of the best quick strike FX options moves of the moment and write short, detailed, specific emails to my testers.
Those other guys can keep the chest-beating and fancy suits. They can sit at their computer for hours on end, ignoring everything else in their lives.
I make money ― and I can make money for you too ― by sidestepping all that craziness.
And still give you a chance at awesome, quick strike profits like 100% in a day, 23.39% in two days, or 33.24% in just a week.
You can join them, and start collecting your own fast, easy FX options profits ― but only if I hear from you today. My shocking offer for 6 FREE months, you'll see in just a minute simply cannot be open for very long.
Now, I promised I'd show you what my testers have to say about my picks.
I always welcome feedback from my readers ― and here's what they've been saying.
No Fancy Gimmicks ― No Smoke and Mirrors, Just the Straight Story From My Test Readers
Now I know I've said this before, but trading FX options isn't hard.
You just need the right information and the right picks.
The fast, easy gains are there for the taking.
In fact, some of my testers didn't know a thing about the FX markets before they started receiving my simple trading emails.
Even without a bunch of fancy charts or complex technical indicators ― here's how they've been doing following my recommendations:
"Nice call! In at 3, out at 3.80, 22% in 24 hours. Thank you!"
Adam Thomas,
Syracuse NY
Here's another reader email...
"Thanks for another great option call! I got my position on Wednesday at $3 even, per contract, and sold yesterday for $3.90. 30% in 48 hours - nice!"
John Martin,
Omaha NE
With quick strike FX gains like these, you can choose never to go back to the choppy stock markets...
"This is my first trade using this new service. 33% in 2 days!"
Sante Fe NM
"I made 27% on my first currency option trade."
Allentown PA
"I made a very, very nice profit on 12 options."
Andrew Victor,
Colorado Springs CO
It really is this easy.
I send you trading emails right from my desk. You read them and decide whether to act.
Over and over again.
By now you're probably wondering who I am exactly, and how I do what I do.
My story might surprise you.
I Tried Half a Dozen FX Strategies ― All Useless Then I Built My Own ― And Started An Incredible String of Huge Successes
My name is Bill Jenkins. I run an elite trading research service called Master FX Options Trader. How I came to helm it is a story worth telling...
Years ago, while working as a minister, a friend told me the stock market was a great place to make money.
What this friend failed to tell me was that stocks investing were a great way to lose money too.
He probably assumed I'd figure that part out on my own.
And I did. Big time.
See, I grew up in a working-class family and have six brothers.
Since we never had much of it, money always interested me.
My father worked very hard to put his seven sons through school ― and he saw to it that I received a top-grade seminary education.
But minister's salaries being what they were, and since I had my own rapidly growing family at the time ― I needed to turn somewhere else to make extra money.
I didn't start out with "speculation" money. I needed extra money to feed my family and keep the lights on.
That's when my friend suggested top stocks to buy.
And boy, did I lose a bundle.
See a pattern emerging here?
Then, in 1993, I stumbled on currency options.
It was a Eurodollar call that started it all.
I made $1,000.
That might not seem like a lot to you ― but it meant the world to me.
Of course, after making that first $1,000 I was hungry for the next $1,000.
You know how this works.
How I Simplified FX Options Gains For You
I collected every book on currencies and currency options I could find.
I bought into all the complex systems those guys were offering.
I bought into all their noise.
And my FX fortunes turned. For the worse.
I've never revealed to anyone exactly how much money I lost in those early years. Only my wife knows the number.
But I'll tell you this ― I lost more than most people make in a year, but less than the cost of an advanced degree from Harvard Business School.
An advanced degree in FX options is essentially what I ended up with.
Because I learned that in the world of FX, all those hotshots were selling the same warmed-over garbage and calling it a filet mignon.
I learned how to trade FX the hard way.
The expensive way. Through 15 years of tweaking and relentlessly perfecting my methods.
I'm happy to say I have perfected my methods for quick-strike FX gains. That's exactly why I'm writing to you today...
And it might sound crazy, but I found that if I simply reversed what all the "experts" said to do, I'd be in a better position to see gains.
For example, the conventional wisdom says that to trade FX well, you need to leverage yourself to the hilt and bank on tiny moves.
That wisdom, as you might guess, is conventional.
And wrong. And potentially disastrous to your money.
By reversing their advice, I forced myself to study each and every building block of trading.
I learned the entire world of FX options one step at a time, one piece at a time, from the ground up.
And I perfected my own strategy. A personal, proprietary strategy that's been working like gangbusters for a select group of testers.
I'll show you how my strategy works in just a second.
And, as I've said before, I'll give you a shot at joining my test group in only a few minutes.
To do so however, you must act today. In a moment, I'm going to show you how to get everything I know for six months, for FREE ― but I won't be able to do this for long.
But before we get there ― I also promised I'd show you an example of exactly how I guide my testers to huge quick strike FX options gains.
Well, as you'll come to see, I'm a man of my word. Here's the scoop on how my trading alerts work...
Act Right Now And Start Getting Potentially Profitable Alerts. . .Like This One
Here's the alert I sent on Oct. 27 to my testers. This recommendation ended up a 100% winner in just over 24 hours.
That's it. That's how easy it is.
I lay out my case for the current FX recommendation in just a few words, tell you exactly what the best play of the moment is, and a normal brokerage account can do the rest.
All you have to do is make a phone call ― and collect the profits.
Just like my testers could have done with these British pound calls.
In fact, here's the "RECOMMENDATION" line of my sell email.
Now, I also promised I'd show you how my strategy works ― how I find the best FX options gains.
I promise, in fact you have my word ― my alert emails will NEVER be as "complex" as the stuff you're about to see.
In the interest of honesty and full disclosure though, I know I must show you HOW I find the best FX options winners.
All You Do Is Watch the Gains Roll In ― But Here's How I Pick the Best FX Options Plays
I know this might be a risk.
What I'm about to show you is the heart and soul of my FX options-picking strategy.
In fact, I'll lay out my thinking for you step by step.
Because I know 6 FREE months of profitable FX options picks is important � but even more important is proving to you that what I send has the ability to make you serious gains…
That's the most important thing.
And I learned what I'm about to show you through years of hard experience. No one ever "handed" me gains. I lost my own money to learn how to trade FX options for maximum profits.
If you act right now, I can start putting this experience to work for you.
In no time, you could be raking in gains like...
33.24% in a week
23.4% in 48 hours
Even 100% in one day
So here's exactly how I scour the FX markets to find those gains...
What you're about to see is what I used to hit the 100% homerun in one day you just read about above. The charts you'll see show the British pound relative to the U.S. dollar.
First, my charting of the potential move indicated what's called a "double-bottom".
Also, price action had pierced the lower Bollinger Band ― a sign of price extremes and a signal toward a possible reversal.
To top it all off, the fundamentals led me to believe that an impending interest rate decision from the U.S. Federal Reserve would cause a sell off in the U.S. dollar.
This spelled good news for the pound call I was thinking of recommending.
It all came together to form the perfect play. Now, here's the chart that shows it all.

That was a total of three incredibly attractive indicators I saw ― all pointing the way to the gains my testers eventually made in just 24 hours.
But let's take this one step further ― and look at the price activity moving up to the play in greater detail.
First, the blue line at the bottom of this next chart showed "oversold" for some time leading up to the play.
Second, the move in the blue line between the first and second lows of the "double bottom" indicated a bullish move on the immediate horizon.
This second chart shows you how the downward movement of the pound over some time was like stretching a rubber band further and further.
Eventually, the pressure becomes too great and the band snaps back the other way.
That's exactly what happened. And how I was able to target this 100% move.

That's what I do. I crunch the technicals. I study the fundamentals. So you don't have to.
I mash all my information together and pick winning FX options plays.
Over and over again.
And I can start picking winning moves for YOU starting today.
Who knows, one of my picks might even end up returning massive gains like...
FX Options Can Explode to Huge Gains In Virtually No Time at All
FX options can sometimes even explode to huge gains at a lightning pace.
Recently, there's been some tremendous activity with euro calls.
Here's just a sample of the huge gains that have popped up...
On Nov. 24, by 10:02 A.M. ― just a half hour after the markets opened ― a pair of euro calls were up 400% and 2,960% each.
Then, on the 25th, at 1:14 P.M., two others were showing gains for the day of 76% and 228% each.
This means on back to back days, traders who got in and out at the perfect time could've profited from simple moves and seen gains of...
Just think of the safe, reliable FX options money you could be raking in starting today.
And now that I've shown you some of my excellent track record, shown you what my testers have to say, and shown you how I make my winning FX options picks, all that's left is for you to join my group of readers and start seeing your own gains!
Master FX Options Trader Gives You GAINS and TOTAL Protection
I've said it several times already, but I have to say it again. If you're interested in the offer I'm about to make to you, I must hear from you today. Right now.
But before we get to that, let me tell you what you'll receive from me as soon as you join Master FX Options Trader.
A full year of new trading recommendations straight from my desk:
I scour the FX markets for the best play, crunch the charts and the numbers, then send you an easy to follow email with a specific recommendation just like you've seen
Flash updates when positions change:
If a move is swinging in our favor and it's time to cash out our gains, I'll send you a quick email and give you all the details. You'll never be on the wrong side of a move
Weekly "State of the Markets" Trading Wrap-ups:
I'll break down all the latest market news and tell you the latest on each of our recommended positions in these compact, info-filled weekly email wrap-ups
Full Master FX Options Trader Website Access:
As soon as you sign up, you'll receive a unique ID and Password for the members-only Master FX Options Trader website. Here, you can read all my past alerts, check out our model portfolio, and send me feedback on your successes
FREE "The Easy Way to Trade Currency Options" Special Report:
I do all the work. I lay out exactly what you need to do in each trading email I send. But I want you to have the full story on how FX options work too. So I'm prepared to include this report just for you. Read it over, and you'll know all you need to know to trade FX options like a champ
FREE "First-Read" Status For All Future Special Reports:
Who knows, the euro might turn into a hot play for an extended period of time, and I might feel the need to write a special report on how I play the euro over and over again for the biggest gains. Rather than weigh down one of my quick strike alerts to you, I'll wrap all you need to know into a new report ― and make sure you're among the first to read it. In short, you're totally protected ― for as long as you're a member of Master FX Options Trader
FREE Membership to the Agora Financial Executive Series:
You'll receive the Rude Awakening and 5 Min. Forecast daily e-letters. They'll give you the inside scoop on the latest news from Wall Street and Washington ― and help keep your FX options positions ahead of the game.
In no time, you could be raking in huge FX options profits that beat anything you could find in some book or some crazy course.
Just like I've already shown how my test traders racked up wins like...
33.24% in a week
23.4% in 48 hour
Even 100% in one day
...but those are just the start. There's no telling what huge gains could be on the horizon for Master FX Options Trader.
All you have to do is respond right now and begin reading my recommendations. It couldn't be easier to profit from FX options.
Now, here's my offer to you...
How to Start Trading FX Options Today. . .With My Money
If you've ever researched FX options, you've probably seen packages or courses that sell for $5,000-10,000.
Some of the expensive ones even try to get you to come to a hotel conference room and waste a Saturday afternoon. Then they hit you with "inside" info and ask for a huge deposit.
Forget that stuff.
You can start making easy, fast, repeatable FX options gains in no time. Today. From your home computer, if you like.
And it doesn't cost anywhere near $10,000 to start making this simple money.
It doesn't even cost $5,000.
In fact, Master FX Options Trader costs only $1,995. That's what my publisher demands.
But since I'm breaking my test group wide open and giving you the chance to see fast FX options profits, I'm prepared to give you a sharp discount off the normal $1,995.
That's right.
I'll show you your discounted rate when you click the subscribe now button below. But it gets better...
You get to try everything for 60 days. Risk free.
Read my alerts. Read the free report. Make FX options plays based on my recos if you'd like.
And see how you do. If you're not completely satisfied, you can cancel right up to midnight on your 60th day and get all your money back. No questions asked.
But I know you won't cancel. Not with the huge FX options profits you could be making in no time.
So there it is. FX options profits made easy. No matter what the stock markets are doing. All you do is read the emails and place simple phone calls.
The work is gone for you. Only the potential for profits remains!
I hope to hear from you before this one-time-only offer expires.