I'll never forget what my dad told me on that cool autumn walk in 1976.
I was young and hardly knew anything about money... but it didn't matter. The secret was just that simple.
In easy, gentle words, he told me the secret that eventually could have made as much as $1 million in just five years. And nearly $2 million in under 10 years...
You could do that, he told me, without "buy and hold"... without waiting for the stock market of 2010 to "wake up."
Years later, I saw his private method make vast sums of lasting wealth without buying a single stock.
That's why he called it the "Zero Stock Solution." And he taught it to me, all those years ago, on that brisk afternoon.
I had no idea how earth shattering his "Zero Stock" secret was until many, many years later.
But really, who would believe you could make multiple millions in the market without touching one share of the best stock to buy?
Especially since he told me that you could fully harness the "Zero Stock Solution" to do it in — get this — about three minutes a day.
If this was a "job," it'd have hourly wage of about $10,400 an hour!
So you can see why I was skeptical... until I saw it work for myself.
The success I've found from dad's advice has shielded my family from great financial misfortune, and given us a life more comfortable than I'd ever dreamed of.
It can do the same for you, too. And I'll tell you how...
Dad Could Do It, But What About You and Me?
I always knew Dad could conquer the markets for outsized gains.
Ever since I was a kid, I saw him use the Zero Stock Solution to make fortunes for a small circle of private clients.
Take the Zero Stock Solution seminar he gave in the '50's; he charged $25 for three hours of information in a packed and stuffy hotel room.
A total of 22 people showed up.
Just 5 weeks later, some of the ones who followed his advice were as much as $50,000 richer!
That's over $300,000 in today's money. And as much as a 199,900% return on the attendee's $25 seminar fee just five weeks later.
Sure, I'd seen Dad achieve all of that.
But he was a genius. One of a kind.
That's why when Dad passed away ten years ago, some people thought no one could fill his shoes.
BUT... I plugged away at the Zero Stock Solution he entrusted to me. I had worked closely with him since 1995, and when he suddenly passed away, I knew I was prepared to step in and continue his service.
And you know what? The family secret worked, and then some. To the tune of $1,898,052 in just under 10 years.
I'll show you exactly how in a minute...But first let me make this clear:
"I tell you all this because Dad changed my life with the Zero Stock Solution.
He changed an awful lot of people's lives.
And as long as I can keep flesh and bone together, I'll keep that legacy of teaching people how to become millionaires going strong."
So (if you choose) I'm going to show you what's happened since I took over Dad's groundbreaking Zero Stock Solution.
Back on that walk in 1976 I never imagined this could happen.
But fast forward 33 years and here are the Zero Stock Solution gains I've found for readers. Unbelievable success for ordinary people, just like you...
How Dad's Secret Led to Success — For Me and Hundreds Of Lucky Friends Around the Country
I took over the Zero Stock Solution in late 1999 — right around the tech crash.
You remember those brutal days in the market — and even though I'd been managing my own research company for nearly a decade, it was enough to give anyone pause...
But I took Dad's old family secret and plugged away at it.
And look what happened!
If you had put just $5,000 into every one of my Zero Stock picks since I took over from my dad, and rode it to its highest possible point, this is what you'd be sitting on...
In just the last three months of 1999, I recommended my first nine Zero Stock trades. Eight of them shot up. With just $5,000, you'd be up an extra $87,000 just 12 weeks later
In 2000, following my simple Zero Stock picks could have grossed you another $173,215, bringing your cash horde to $260,215
By the end of 2001, you could have nearly doubled your take again, packing on another $216,164 for a total of $476,379
And then for 2002, you could have tossed another $205,101 onto that pile of cash. You'd now be at $681,480
In 2003, you could have socked away another $189,463. That would take your Zero Stock portfolio to $870,943 in cool profits
In 2004, we hit the million-dollar mark. You could have used my picks to add ANOTHER $221,300 to your total, in a single year. You'd have a cool million dollars, plus — for an added bonus — $92,243 and change.
Not bad for a few years' haul, with barely three minutes of work each day... $1.09 million.
Yes, $1.09 million in pure cash profits.
Who would've thought I could do that, even with the power of the Zero Stock Solution?
Certainly not me... but I guess the old man thought different.
Yes, there were some huge individual Zero Stock high points that helped us get those big numbers. Like 1,011%... 898%... 1,202%... 472%... 858%... 589%... 838%...
We also had plenty of smaller, faster gains.
And sure, a few losers too.
But overall, even though about 15% of the Zero Stock plays I recommended didn't work out during that period... over 85% of them did, well enough to give us an average high point per play of 104%... well enough to turn your initial investment of $5,000 into as much as $1.09 million.
But it didn't stop there. I didn't think it could get any better, but it did — in spades. Again, by putting $5,000 into each of my recommendations and riding each one to the highest possible point, here's how you would have fared:
In 2005, you could have followed my recommendations for $217,524... bringing your total to $1,309,767 by year's end
In 2006 there was another $150,375 haul by years' end, taking you all the way to a comfortable $1,460,142
In 2007 you could have reeled in another $202,635 profit from this easy Zero Stock strategy. That brings your portfolio to $1,662,777
And, for just the first four months of 2008, add a $235,276 cherry on top of that stash. That takes us to $1,898,052 total.
Since it would take incredible timing and phenomenal luck to get out at the best exit price every time, you would have realistically logged profits shy of these recorded best gains.
But even if you did only half as well... that's still an amazing $949,026 in the bank!
So, you see, the old man was spot-on with his Zero Stock Solution.
And if I can do it — anyone can do it.
In fact, "anyone" does do it nearly every week of the year.
Here's how this no-hassle secret works for real people, all over the world...
How These Stellar Zero Stock Solution Returns Change the Lives of Real People
I can barely keep up with the letters I get about my readers who use dad's Zero Stock Solution.
Take this one for example: I used to think letters like this came once in a lifetime...
But now I know better.
Now, I get letters like that all the time — from ordinary investors from all over the country.
Just look: they're seeing their money multiply two, three, even eight times or more.
If I didn't open the letters myself I'd hardly believe life-changing profits they report...
Hard cash returns for people just like you. Imagine what gains like this would mean for your lifestyle. If you started with a small $5,000 position...
Jim H.'s bold 300% gain means a new deck, a hot tub, a walk-in humidor, or your membership in a luxury golf course
A fat 92% return like Bill P. from California made more than covers your subscription with enough left over for a five-star weekend getaway
Or take Eddie L.'s amazing 750%...that huge cash profit could be your down-payment on a sparkling-new dream home for retirement.
You can buy all that stuff and more.
Or, you can save it for retirement, your kid's education... or use it as a base of wealth that could last for generations.
You could do all that and not even break a sweat. Just three minutes of your time each day.
I think that's why so many readers call this "the best decision they ever made."
And it's not just my readers. Take a look at what Wall Street experts and respected journalists say about that old Zero Stock family secret...
Why This Old Family Secret Has Stumped the Experts
Even before I made this knowledge available to ordinary readers, my time-tested strategy garnered praise from some of the top professionals in the industry.
For years Michael Green of Market Talk talked to all of Wall Street's top analysts and traders.
He was looking for something special. The strategy that really worked. The guru who really had the goods — the most accurate guy on the Street.
What did he find? The answer might surprise you...
"Over the past few years on 'Market Talk' I've had the opportunity to interview Wall Street's major investment letter writers. Steve Sarnoff has emerged as the most accurate. He has truly made some astounding calls."
And it doesn't stop there... Richard Russell, editor of Dow Theory Letters and an old hand at best stock analysis, praised my technical research as "constitut[ing] an extremely valuable lesson."
It's not just journalists, either. The pros in the trading pits — guys who could depend on my recommendations to feed their families — tell us the same thing.
Bernard Savaiko, Senior Futures Analyst at PaineWebber, says I provide "a dispassionate approach to markets, with amazingly accurate results — a must for traders."
The testimonials from Michael Green, Richard Russell and Bernie Savaiko are all from when I was starting out with my research company (prior to Options Hotline), and the kind words of those professionals helped give me the confidence to succeed.
I wish I could claim all the credit but I can't. I owe most of it to dad. But I'm proud to carry the torch, giving lucky readers the chance to become millionaires by using his Zero Stock Solution...
So just what was that secret he told me in 1976, and how is it that all these ordinary people have turned it into spectacular gains?
Now Here's Where I'm Supposed to Tell You the "Secret" Behind the Zero Stock Solution. . .
But you won't find it here in this letter.
That's not a sales come-on. I won't tell you even if you pay me big money.
You could pay me all the money in the world. You could shock me with an electrified cattle prod.
I'm not telling. Anyone. Ever.
But here's why you can reap all the benefit anyway...
Dad felt strongly — I feel strongly — that regular people should have the chance to profit from what we've been blessed with.
So, I use my proprietary "Zero Stock" method (combining the best of Western technical analysis with ancient Japanese charting techniques)... and send out specific plays for you to have a chance to gain your own million.
I hope you find that fair. Because you don't need to know how the Zero Stock Solution works to use it. In fact, using it is so simple it could take you only three minutes a day!
That's why every week I send out one Zero Stock play based on that secret dad told me 33 years ago.
I do all the work; you take all the profits...
Take a look for yourself: Here's my uncut track record since I took over from dad a few years ago...
*Occasionally, a recommendation moves out of range before it is published. In those rare cases, when recommendations are not "triggered," we exclude them from this track record. This service recommends opening positions and gives a general strategy to help readers determine a good closing point. The size of the potential gain is calculated using the highest possible exit point that option reached after the buy recommendation was issued.
**Gains and losses calculated based on a $5,000 initial investment in each play.
You're reading those numbers right: an average of 104% on every play. And that's over a total of 342 plays. For almost a full decade! I doubt you can find another analyst that has such a long term, profitable track record...
Now, how is it we can claim such a stellar achievement?
Simple. It takes just two steps...
1) I recommend that you buy a Zero Stock position
2) I give you a general strategy to help you determine a good closing point to take your Zero Stock profits
You use your own judgment in exiting a position.
That way, you're completely in control of your position and your risk.
You can make the most informed decision on when to take the best profits that personally suit you...
Because of this personalized exit strategy, I calculate my Zero Stock Solution track record based on the highest possible point the play hits after I alert our readers.
If you had the incredible luck and timing it would have taken to sell every one of these picks at that point since 1999, you would have cleared $1 million in only five years, like I showed you above.
Today, you would be up $1.89 million.
That's an average $15,817 in extra income every month.
Or $520 every single day of the year.
Since it's up to you to decide when to sell and you might choose to take a more conservative exit strategy, you'll almost certainly log sell prices shy of the highest possible gain.
But even if you were to do only half as well... $949,026 — or $7,908 per month, or $260 per day — still isn't bad. And those stellar numbers become even more shocking when you realize that it takes only three minutes a day to do all this...
There's only one investment that can deliver such enormous gains in so little time, and by now you may have guessed it: options.
That's why I call it the "Zero Stock Solution" - because you never need to buy stock shares to make consistent triple-digits gains!
Now, you've probably heard that options carry risks. And it's true — any investment does. But options also let you do something most investments don't:
Here's exactly what that means: if the underlying stock moves 5% or 10%, the related options contract could easily shoot up 200%, 300%, even 500% or 600%.
If the best stock fails to move the right way, you merely write off the small amount you paid for each option (often pennies on the dollar) and that's it.
Your upside is many times your original investment. Your downside is never a surprise.
That's why it's quite possibly the best way to build lasting wealth with limited risk.
It's why it was so important for my dad to pass it on to me.
Now let's dig around in some actual trades to see how it's done in practice. I'll show you four specific Zero Stock plays I've sent to my readers at Options Hotline, the research advisory service my dad started and I've continued.
Here's a great example of the "Zero Stock Solution" at work: a pick that soared while the rest of the market was getting hammered...
"Zero Stock Wealth Strategy" #1: "Recommend Plays That Go Up Even When the Market Goes Down"
One great advantage of my system is it can make huge Zero Stock gains whether the market goes up or down.
When I predict a best stock will tank, I recommend you buy a put option on it.
The put option goes up in value as the stock's price goes down, so you win while the other guys lose — all without the risk and hassle of selling short.
A few months ago, my proprietary forecasting method told me UPS was about to go down the drain.
That UPS option could have pulled in 1,011% for readers who followed my buy recommendation and got out at the best possible time.
Can you imagine making more than 10 times your money on a single play?
$5,000 would turn into $50,550!
And best of all, winning big Zero Stock gains when a company goes down is just as easy as when it goes up: the same three minutes of work each day. It's that simple.
Here are some more examples of maximum potential gains from an individual stock's falling price:
1,202% on GM puts
257% on Newmont Mining puts
210% on FedEx puts
168% on Caterpillar puts
87.5% on eBay puts
55% on Ingersoll-Rand puts
52% on Texas Instruments puts
And here are some puts on entire stock indexes that profit when the general market goes down:
189%, 45% on S&P index puts
253%, 25%, 135% on Dow Jones index puts
335%, 258%, 54%, 50% on long-term bond index puts
27% on Nasdaq index puts
This way, you can take advantage of every move — up or down.
And you could still take outsized triple-digit profits in a market downturn.
In fact, here's how we did in two of the most challenging years in recent memory...
While the Dow, Nasdaq and S&P 500 All Lost Money in 2002. . . Our Biggest Winners Gained 170%. . . 186%. . . 212%. . . 292%. . . 360%. . . 858%. . . and 898%. . .
Remember America and the markets in 2002?
I sure do.
Enron was on trial. Global Crossing, ImClone and Adelphia were all under investigation.
Argentina's banks had just collapsed. A bomb had just gone off in Bali...and this whole mess in Iraq had just then started looming darkly on the horizon.
Not exactly the most stimulating times for stock investors.
But as tough as it might have looked for everyone else, you could have done extremely well that year... just following the options strategy I'm laying out for you today.
How well?
In fact, out of our 40 plays that year, 31 were winners... with an average highest possible gain of 103%.
By investing $5,000 in each of these plays and riding each one to the highest possible point, you could have ended the year — one of the toughest in recent memory for regular investors — UP by as much as $205,101!
In 2001, 37 out of 46 Winning Plays. . . And an Extra $216,164 for Your Portfolio
Even back in 2001, the same year as one heck of a lot of gut-wrenching news in the world... plus some very rattled stock markets... you could have turned an initial $5,000 investment into as much as $216,164... in a single year of trading. We made 46 plays total that year, 37 of them came up roses.
With an average maximum possible gain, on each and every play (with the few losers included in the calculation), of 94%.
Can you imagine if you averaged 94% gains on every play you made?
Thirty-five of those plays were double-digit winners... more than half of those plays returned better-than-50% gains... 16 of those plays were money-doublers or better... and at least five of those plays all returned better than 200%.
Just $5,000 invested in the General Motors put options play alone, the day after I recommended it to my Options Hotline readers, could have given you as much as a $60,100 windfall.
And quickly, too.
Now that the markets are tanking again, I expect you could have a field day with put options. And those would protect your downside.
Here's why: During the record-setting year of 2007, my average best possible gain was 113%. That's good. But in 2008 that record was 130%.
In other words, I did 17 points better in the biggest crash since '29 than I did when the Dow was at 14,000.
In both cases, my readers saw the opportunity for gains of better than double their money.
Up markets. Down markets. It doesn't matter: Because I'm not recommending a single share of top stocks for 2010.
Now, even with the incredible Zero Stock knowledge my dad passed on to me, once in a while a play doesn't pan out as expected. That's why the second thing my Dad told me is so important...
"Zero Stock Strategy" #2:"Your Gains Overpower Your Losses"
The second secret is the most important one.
And it's simple: Your gains overpower your losses.
You aim for a 60%-40% win-loss ratio.
You aim for bigger gains than losses.
Told you it was simple...but it's VERY important.
So let's drill down to some recent specifics...
Like I said, it's up to you to decide when to exit your play, and those numbers just represent the highest possible exit point. I send you the picks and give you general guidelines for making successful trades.
And with a record like that, you can win 60% of the time, lose 40% of the time, and still come out way ahead.
But if you do far, far better than that, like I have been giving my readers the opportunity to do for years with this time tested family profit key...well, that's just icing on the cake!
88%. . . 92%. . . and Now 100% Win Record
A few months ago, I got a shocking call from my publishers.
They'd just checked their records, and found my picks had averaged 104% maximum gains since I took over from my dad in 1999.
Even more shockingly, my win record suddenly climbed from an already stupefying 92% in 2006 — to a stunning 100% perfect record since the start of 2007. They were stunned.
But we checked the records and not a single pick had failed to gain value, or at least break even, at some point after I recommended them and before they expired...
I bet you won't find a record like that in the entire world of financial publishing.
Because of that I've been driven to get results like these:
92% wins against 8% losses, like I did in 2006...
78% wins against 12% losses, like I did in my least accurate year, 2001...
Or even an incredible 100% win record and no losses whatsoever, like I did in 2005, 2007, and in 2008...
That's why I say your potential gains could overpower your losses — it's the secret behind the Zero Stock Solution.
And it's a secret that could be yours for no money whatsoever if I don't pass some pretty demanding thresholds. I'll explain that in a moment...
But that's not all — not by a long shot. Here's another piece of father-son wisdom I need to tell you about.
"Zero Stock Strategy" #3:"Recommend Only Plays That Have a Good Chance of Doubling"
I will only send you options plays that I feel have a chance to double — or more.
If I dig up something that promises to go up only 15% or 25%, I trash that play and look for something else.
Now, a gain is a gain. And I see nothing wrong with double-digit gainers.
It's just that I feel the risk in playing options is justified only if your potential gain is in the triple digits or higher.
The upside must clearly crush the downside.
How does it work in practice? Let's take a quick, specific look at one recent play...
In November 2006, I sent out this clear recommendation to my readers: "Buy the Bristol-Myers Squibb March 2007 $25 call for $115 or less."
As you probably know, a call option goes up in price if the best stock it's based on goes up. It's really that simple.
But the great thing about options is that the option shoots up far, far higher than the best stock does. That simple fact hugely increases your profit potential.
"Just how much profit potential?" you may ask...
Take a look. Here's what happened with Bristol-Myers Squibb after my specific recommendation:
The stock market went up a bit. But the call option exploded. That's the sheer power of the Zero Stock Solution.
It hit a high of 300% in just two months. That's enough to turn $5,000 into $20,000 — with $15,000 pure profits in practically no time at all. Now you see how I give members the opportunity to make a great deal of money very quickly...
In fact, since 1999, I've pumped out 112 plays that topped out at a maximum of 100% or more.
So you've seen the power of options trading and how I used it to produce an average maximum gain of 104% over nine years.
Can you imagine the wealth you could make if every play you made more than doubled in value?
Well, now you can join a research service that has done just that for almost a decade!
That long-term consistency is why I'm so comfortable guaranteeing your money back if I don't surpass the very high bar I've set for myself. (Yes, I'll get to that very soon!)
And finally, let's go over the very last "Sarnoff Wealth Strategy":
"Zero Stock Strategy" #4:
"Be Consistent: Recommend Only One Play per Week"
This one's pretty simple — but it's also important.
I constantly scan each one of the nearly 15,000 hot stocks for 2010 on the U.S. markets all week long.
I crank away, batting around the numbers and boiling down the massive list of top stocks to buy and indexes to a short list of the ones that seem poised to make a strong move up or down.
Then, I take this short list and apply my analysis to each possibility... cutting the list down until we have one single opportunity that I think will double or better.
So from the entire universe of stocks and indexes — and options you can play on them — I drill down to just one pick per week. I then send you an e-mail on Sunday night telling you exactly what the play is. That way, you have the time to look it over and place the order before the market opens on Monday morning.
And all that could be yours entirely risk-free.
That's how little you have to risk, and how much you have to gain.
Don't you think it's time to get in on the action?
Start Making Your Own Million-Dollar Plays Right Now: Consistent, Hefty Gains Over the Long Term: Options Hotline's Performance Laid out Year by Year
Before we finish up, let's see just how the Zero Stock Solution my dad taught me has performed over my entire nine-year tenure with Options Hotline...
*Occasionally, a recommendation moves out of range before it is published. In those rare cases, when recommendations are not "triggered," we exclude them from this track record. This service recommends opening positions and gives a general strategy to help readers determine a good closing point. The size of the potential gain is calculated using the highest possible exit point that option reached after the buy recommendation was issued.
**Gains and losses calculated based on a $5,000 initial investment in each play.
Wouldn't you like to grab some of those gains for yourself?
You can! And it's easy.
One recommendation per week, one call to your broker on Monday morning, and then just three minutes per day tracking your positions.
Let's get down to the details of what you'll receive with your membership to Options Hotline:
Options Hotline Delivered Sunday Night via E-Mail
This is the very heart of the service, when I send you my specific play for the week.
Your one-page Options Hotline Alert is delivered Sunday evening in plenty of time for you to read it, digest the information and phone your broker first thing Monday morning if you want to get in on the action.
You'll find my recommendation of the week, written out exactly in words you could say to your broker, to ensure accuracy.
Midweek Updates on Open Positions
Since options can move fast, I also send out midweek update alerts every Wednesday so you can review again where you are on all of your open positions.
I'll talk about the direction of the option price, the underlying stock price, resistance and support levels (concepts thoroughly explained in your THREE FREE BONUS REPORTS), and where I see it all trending.
Important Bonus! Exclusive Free 24/7 Access to the Subscribers-Only Web Site
You get unlimited access to the Options Hotline Web site 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This password-protected members-only access is FREE with your subscription.
Here you can download the latest recommendations, midweek updates, and frequent alerts.
It's a valuable offer that can put you on the road to the next million dollars in options profit.
Look what Options Hotline has done for Randy Norton: "My first trade made me $6,540 in profits. You are the first newsletter I have tried out of hundreds that actually delivers what it promises." But wait — there's more:
Subscribe now and I'll also give you...
3 BONUS GIFTS That Are Your Crash Course on Options!
In addition to the comprehensive source of information you will find on our subscribers-only Web site, I'm offering you three FREE handbooks that will help you use the Options Hotline research service to its fullest.
Start your options education today with these easy-to-read guidebooks, both written in everyday English, so you're up to speed on options in no time:
1. The Options Buyer's Handbook
Click the subscribe button below to join and download this FREE handbook immediately. Inside its pages, you'll discover just what you need to know about buying options.
Learn the basics of options, how they work, when to buy and sell, and what it all means in this informative handbook... FREE and instantly available with your subscription.
2. Secrets of a Master Trader: Tips and Strategies for Making a Fortune in Options
The secret to winning at options is to keep playing. Options are not like the lottery or the luck of the draw (especially since I'm recommending what to buy each week).
To really succeed, you need a plan of action. And Secrets of a Master Trader is your playbook. It contains the secrets of two of the best options analysts the business has ever known...my dad, options genius Paul Sarnoff, and me, Steve Sarnoff.
3. The Options Hall of Fame
Of course, there's no better way to learn something than by doing it yourself. Second only to that is seeing what others have done in the past. And this is exactly what you'll find in this third FREE gift report.
I'll walk you through some of the biggest and best options plays ever made. Together, we'll take them apart, down to the nuts and bolts. Then I'll show you how they work by putting everything back together, step by step. You'll see unmistakable patterns of profit.
You can't get secrets like this at any bookstore or Web site or "learn to trade options" weekend seminar. They're reserved only for subscribers to Options Hotline. You'll receive these exclusive Secrets via e-mail the moment I hear from you.
Please don't pass up this chance to profit on the unlimited potential (but limited risk) of options trading with your subscription to Options Hotline.
Put briefly, here are the key benefits Options Hotline can offer you:
A chance to grow your money into as much as $1.71 million in
less than 9 years
More-than-double-your-money average maximum gain on
every single play
A chance for as much as 6 figures in pure profits every year.
How could you pass that up?
Especially when you can get your membership 100% RISK-FREE, my compliments...
Now, how can I offer this valuable information RISK-FREE?
Easy: If I don't give you at least one "doubler" every single month, you pay nothing.
Just check my recommended portfolio. After the first six months of your membership, if at least one of my recommendations per month hasn't shot up 100% at some point after I recommended it and before it expired, I'll refund every penny of your subscription.
I take on all the risk — and I feel comfortable doing that as I look at our incredible long-term track record.
So how much is this unique offer worth?
You'd expect to pay $5,500... $7,500... even $10,500 a year to get options plays with million dollar profit potential like I just showed you. But you won't pay anywhere near that. Simply click the "Order NOW" button below to see your insanely low price for a guaranteed doubler every month — starting right now.