105% in just three months…
Run-ups like that aren't typical. But that's exactly what's happened to crude oil just since this past March.
And according to Goldman Sachs, this is only the beginning. Analysts conservatively predict that prices could shoot to $95/barrel in the short term, and exponentially higher from there.
Oilman T. Boone Pickens says, "If you don't think we'll see $200 to $300 oil… you are kidding yourself."
And now this shocking news…
Oil prices are soaring so quickly that the International Energy Agency just increased its world-oil-demand forecast for 2009… midyear! According to IEA analysis of coming demand, we can expect demand to spike an average of $3.6 million barrels… per month!
You've probably already felt the effects of this mega trend at the gas pump. Prices have jumped 60% so far this year.
But how can you possibly take full advantage of it without taking on unnecessary risk?
Yes oil stocks in 2010… funds… commodity futures… can all hand you windfall profits – if your timing is absolutely perfect. But the rewards just don't outweigh the pitfalls if one of these investments heads south. Instead…
The answer lies in a little-known, government-authorized program. It allows you to collect checks each month —automatically – from the oil industry.
Insiders refer to it as the "Gas Rebate Program".
In total, you could make $10,200 or more. And this report shows you exactly how. But I must warn you, the deadline for the August 14th payout is fast approaching.
So I'll get straight to the story…
The Best-Kept Secret in this $1.6 Trillion Dollar Industry
As a former analyst for a Wall Street bank with $356 billion in assets under management, I've seen my fair share of "get rich quick" schemes.
And I must admit, I was skeptical when I heard about this "gas rebate" program. But in the eleven months I spent researching this opportunity, I discovered that it is very real… and can be very profitable.
This "Gas Rebate" Program dates back to 1985 when gas prices spiked.
A gallon back then averaged $1.20. Inflation-adjusted that's about $3.00 today.
It was the perfect time for government intervention.
So they passed legislation that required certain energy companies to distribute "rebate" checks to everyday people.
But over the years as gas prices retreated, people forgot about the program.
Even last year, when prices reached an all-time high, only a handful of Americans were turned on to this opportunity. As Marketwatch recently revealed, "Few people know about [the "Gas Rebate" Program]… but this is a great income generator."
In 2008 alone, the program paid out $2.3 billion dollars.
And now that gas prices have retreated, it's an even sweeter deal. The program is still paying at nearly the same levels as when gas was high. Meaning now you have more money leftover to do with as you please.
But time is of the essence…
The government has authorized the "Gas Rebate" Program to run until January 1, 2011.
That means there's still time for you to make more than $10,000 before the program is discontinued.
Just take a look at what your checks can do for you.…
According to AAA, the average American last year spent $207.50 each month just to fill up their tanks.
As you're about to see, you could make an easy $600 each month in "Gas Rebates."
But where is all of this money coming from? How is this program funded?
You might be glad to know it's not coming out of the pockets of taxpayers like you and me.
It's coming straight out of the coffers of the very businesses that made a fortune off of booming energy prices.
Let's take a closer look at one of them now…
Collect Fat Monthly Checks, Thanks to the Government
There's one under-the-radar company that is legally obligated to siphon off the majority of its $544 million cash flow and pass it on to everyday people.
In 2008, it distributed $457 million to just a few thousand check recipients.
But why are these checks so big?
It's because this company makes loads of money from every stage of the profitable gas-producing process. And the government requires that any extra profits go right into the "Gas Rebate" program…
Here's how it works…
» Step 1: Drilling Profits from the Ground...
First, this cash-spewing company is safely producing 20 million barrels of crude each year… half a world away from OPEC's iron grip.
As you may know, OPEC controls 45% of the world's oil. And most of their fields are in volatile areas – like the Middle East or Venezuela – where disruptions are a daily occurrence.
But this company is sitting on $ 153 BILLION DOLLARS worth of oil at current prices… right here in North America! There's nothing to disrupt the flow of oil or profits… or "rebate" checks.
But there's more… Because huge "rebate" checks aren't dependent on crude oil alone.
This company makes money from every stage of the gas business – oil production, refining, and retail sales.
And up to 84% of the cash flow from each
of these operations must, by law, be funneled back into the "Gas Rebate" program… For example…
» Step 2: Funneling Cash through the Refiner...
The refining business is more lucrative than ever.
In the early 1980s, there were over 350 refineries. And most of them were owned by Big Oil.
By 2002, the number of active refiners had fallen to 153. Only now, instead of Big Oil, independent owners maintain control. So what does that mean for the refiners? In a word: cash.
With their increased leverage, refiners rake in an astonishing $230 billion each year.
And the North American company I mentioned earlier pocketed a huge chunk. Because it's not only producing crude oil from the ground, it's converting it to gasoline in its very own refineries. This company is undercutting the competition every step of the way… and pocketing all of the extreme markups itself.
In 2008, its refining operations pulled in $1 billion... and a large portion of the profits were required, by law, to fund the "Gas Rebate" program. No wonder participants collected $457 million from this one company alone in one year!
And it doesn't end there. Because once this company has produced and refined its own petroleum, it then ships it to its own gas stations… tacks on another premium to the pricing… thereby increasing the rebate checks to participants even more.
» Step 3: Pumping up Prices at the Gas Station...
This one-of-a-kind company has discovered a way to harvest cash from the wellhead all the way to the gas tank. It owns and operates its own gas stations… multiple locations throughout North America.
As you've seen, the price you pay at the pump is the inflated result of an expensive process. The moment the futures market rises, refiners raise the price of their fuel. This higher price gets passed along to the gas stations who are forced to pump up the price even more. It's the only way they can turn a profit.
But since this company has control over the entire value chain, all of these multi-layered profits go right back into this company's coffers… And directly back to "gas rebate" recipients.
So while most consumers have had no choice but to pay up, some smart Americans – by simply signing up for govt.-backed "gas rebates" – have been getting their gas for free the whole time.
Even better, if you sign up now, you can still receive more than enough money to pay for your current monthly gas expenses… on top of getting reimbursed for whatever you've wasted on gas over the last two years.
But this is only the tip of the iceberg…
There are still two more opportunities… similar companies raking in fuel profits and being forced by the government to funnel millions back to ordinary people like you and me.
Together, these three companies make up what my colleagues and I call the "Gas Rebate Program."
According to Forbes, these opportunities offer "fat payouts" that "ease your pain at the pump."
But you must get in before the deadline to qualify for your first check on August 14th.
And you can get all of the details in our special report, How to Collect Your Government-Backed "Gas Rebate" Checks. I'll show you how to get this report FREE in just a moment.
But first, here's how it's going to work…
Uncovering the Deeply Buried Profits In the first 6 months of 2008, gas prices exploded 31%.
But during that same period BP, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell dropped in value. They performed no better or worse than the overall market.
Take a look:

The surge in gas prices wasn't the bonanza for "Big Oil" shareholders most people would have expected.
What's worse, oil stocks are much too volatile…
In a 2-month period earlier this year, Exxon stock shot up over 14%. Two months later, it was down more than 17%.
Plus, these top stocks to buy are tough to gauge… The day after Exxon reported its second-quarter earnings of $11.68 billion – the biggest profit ever of any U.S. corporation – its stock plunged.
Bottom line: There's only one safe way to collect extra income… by targeting solid, well-managed companies legally required to funnel their profits back to investors.
Now you can join them…
Start with an Extra $7,200…
Here's how you could pocket an extra $7,200 in the next year…
» Gas Rebate Opportunity #1:
This is the money gusher that lets you collect money from every phase of the gas-producing process – from the ground, through the refiner and into gas pumps.
It's a $780 million dollar company – small compared to its competitors… flying well below Wall Street's radar.
Simply invest just a bit of money with them. You can call your broker or do it yourself online. But be sure to get in before the deadline. Then just wait for your check for $80 in mid-August and every month thereafter until 2011.
» Gas Rebate Opportunity #2:
This opportunity provides you with direct access to a $1 billion gas revenue stream.
Per government mandate, this company returns roughly 70 cents of every dollar it earns to check recipients. And although the government has decided to end the "Gas Rebate" Program in 2011, investors in this particular company have discovered a secret "loophole" that means they could continue receiving hefty checks until 2014.
You can receive your first payment for $240 on August 14th. In the course of one year, you can generate an extra $2,880.
» Gas Rebate Opportunity #3:
This energy company was the first of its kind to send out gas rebate checks
23 years ago. Back then it was worth barely $9 million dollars. Today its value exceeds $3 billion.
In 2008, the company sent out over $654 million in checks. By depositing a bit of cash with this company, you can collect an easy $280 each month… that's more than $3,360 each year.
These checks go out on the 20th of each month. They just keep coming – safe and steady.
You'll never have to send more money. Just sit back and watch your bank account grow each month.
But there's yet another bonus…
If you're considering taking on a second job, or accruing more hours at work to make up for inflated prices, think about this: The government will tax your "extra" income. You could lose almost half of every dollar you earn.
But as Forbes recently revealed, thanks to landmark legislation your "gas rebate" checks are "effectively tax free."
And that's not all they've got to say…
The Best Way to Turn Yesterday's High Gas Prices into Money in Your Bank Account Today
According to Forbes, these companies "operate in the lowest risk segment of an otherwise high-risk business."
They aren't at the mercy of fickle governments… or unpredictable hurricanes.
Indeed these companies represent the safest way to make back the money you've wasted on gas these last few years... plus collect a regular income.
That's why I'd like to send you our latest research report – How to Collect Your Government-Backed "Gas Rebate" Checks – right away.
In it, we provide every detail you need to get started now. We give you the exact deadlines and payout dates for each of the companies listed above.
And we'll send this report to you for FREE.
How You Can Start Receiving Your 36 Checks Each Year
My name is Louis Basenese. I've spent years working for the most powerful investment firms on Wall Street as an analyst and researcher.
Today, I am the Associate Investment Director of a far more prestigious organization. Called The Oxford Club, it is arguably the world's most powerful alliance of wealth builders.
Our members quietly control a combined total of $18 billion in investment assets. They demand only the finest research… and the most compelling opportunities. And that's precisely what we give them…
We have no relation to any outside organization. Our recommendations are based on independent research and years of experience in the trenches – not backroom deals between corporations and brokerage houses. That's how we've delivered hundreds of profitable ideas to our members throughout the years.
Even now, with the Dow in official bear territory and the Wall Street Journal calling it the "worst performance since 1930," our members have enjoyed a number of triple-digit gains such as…
273% in the biggest retailer in Mexico... 124% in a high-tech defense firm... 115% in a hidden gem in medical manufacturing... 172% in a super-hot play on emerging markets... 100% on a real estate play of all things... and 186% in a "boring" Asian fund.
But it's no fluke.
The average gain for our model Trading Portfolio in 2008 was 28% (even while the markets fell 40%)… in 2007 it was 60.25%... in 2006 it was 63.9%... Even in 2000, when the Nasdaq tumbled almost 40%, The Oxford Club portfolio showed gains of 24%.
We spend hours researching, crunching numbers and sifting through the "noise" to locate opportunities long before the mainstream catches on…
…Under-the-radar opportunities like the "Gas Rebate" Program, which you'll discover in our newest research report called How to Collect Your Government-Backed "Gas Rebate" Checks.
This report explains exactly how to claim your first check on August 14th. And I'd like to put it in your hands immediately for free, just for taking the Club's research for a test drive.
But there's something else I'd like to send you free right now…
Ride America's New "House Call" Wave to Riches
The U.S. Census Bureau counted 35 million Americans age 65 or older in 2000. By next year, the bureau expects there will be more than 40 million. And by 2030, that population will double to 71 million.
And 85% of them will require the type of services this company provides at some point!
I know that sounds incredible. But it's not so hard to believe when you consider what this company is doing…
It is quietly amassing an army of doctors, nurses and therapists (more than 8,000 already!) to provide care in the comfort of a patient's own home. They're bringing back the good, old-fashioned house call in the form of modern home healthcare.
This company is a pioneer in one of the world's fastest growing industries. Today, there are 3 times as many patients receiving home health services than those receiving care in hospitals. From 2000 to 2007, the number of home health employees jumped 45%.
And during that same period, this company's market cap exploded by 4,288%! But that's not all…
Its revenue stream is practically guaranteed. Medicare is already its top customer, representing a full 89% of this company's revenues. That's like money in the bank.
The best part?
This success story is just getting started… As more and more baby boomers require healthcare, demand for this company's services will soar.
As you can see, this unique company is equipped to churn out profits for many years to come.
And you can discover every last detail about it in a new report we've recently completed called How to Score Huge Profits in a Shell-Shocked Market with Just One Move.
If you're interested in finding out more, I'd like to send you the report free today, just for agreeing to try the Club's research.
Safe and Steady Gains of 148%... 234%... 309% and More
Spinning high gas prices into profits and booking mega-gains right in the teeth of a bear market might sound unusual if you're used to dealing with brokers, big firms or some of the average independent researchers out there…
But for Oxford Club members, these types of opportunities have become the standard.
Take a look:
FORDING CANADIAN COAL: This tip-off came straight from Jim Rogers, former partner of George Soros, the world's most successful hedge-fund manager. We recommended this Canadian trust as a China play... and members scored a 293.9% gain in 18 months.
ALUMINUM CORP. OF CHINA: After weeks of on-the-ground-research, our top analysts uncovered this play. It's the largest aluminum producer in China… and we got in just as its industrial boom was reaching red-hot status. Members locked in gains of 234.01% in 23 months.
LANDSTAR SYSTEMS: Who cares about a boring old trucking company, especially one with no trucks? Well, our researchers saw something the other guys didn't. Wall Street was asleep at the switch, but members locked in gains of 148.8% in 27 months.
INTUITIVE SURGICAL: Recommending shares of a company that created a whole new trend in medical robots was a boom for investors who had the opportunity for gains of 309.36% in 18 months.
But how do we unearth these kinds of profitable opportunities time and again? Here's the answer…
Crucial Intelligence… Solid Gains
The Oxford Club has members from 100 countries worldwide. They include executives, computer technicians, analysts, teachers, lawyers and retirees. Many of them are entrepreneurs.
And we all work together, forming a network of unique ideas and hard-to-come-by intelligence. Part of our success is due to these relationships. The rest is based on an acute understanding of what works in the markets... and what doesn't.
And that's where Alexander Green comes in.
Alex is the Investment Director of the Club. And he isn't your typical finance "guru". For 16 years, he operated deep within the Wall Street machine. He was getting rich… and making loads of money for his firm and his clients. But he didn't like how things worked.
He once confessed, "I was tired of the complete lack of concern for the ordinary investor. Instead of helping people meet their financial goals, the big firms were ripping them off. I couldn't stomach it anymore."
So at the age of 43, Alex walked away from his prestigious position, returning most of his half million dollar signing bonus.
But Wall Street's loss has turned out to be a boon to Oxford Club members.
The Hulbert Financial Digest, the industry's top independent watchdog, has ranked Alex's stock selections for The Oxford Club fifth among the world's top 200 investment newsletters, based on their five-year, risk-adjusted return.
Along with Alex, myself and our global connection of research advisors, we post twice-monthly stock, options, and outside-the-box recommendations for our members.
By joining our club today, you can receive regular updates on all of these developing opportunities. Plus you'll have full access to each of our model portfolios… and ALL of them are consistently delivering solid gains to our subscribers.
In fact, all five of our investment portfolios beat the S&P 500 in 2008.
Not surprisingly, our members are more than pleased. But you don't have to take my word for it…
Our Members Tell It Like It Is
This is what member Roger W. from New Orleans had to say in a recent letter:
"By rigorously following the investment recommendations and rules provided by The Oxford Club, I have made consistent 40% ROI every year for the past three years, and was able to retire at age 45 and now live comfortably off my investments."
And then we received this unsolicited feedback from member Craig J. last year…
"I manage $100 million of discretionary equity at a large brokerage firm. In spite of our multimillion dollar research department, I use my Oxford Club subscription extensively in managing my high net worth clients' money."
Here are a few more:
"Thanks for your continued help and guidance in this crazy stock market world. My portfolio has almost doubled in the three years I have been following your advice. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
– Terry S. from Detroit, Michigan
"Many of my friends and family, whose money is managed by the top brokerage firms, refuse to believe me when I tell them of the tremendous returns I have accumulated from your recommendations. It's no wonder, as their accounts and "Blue Chip" investments continue to flounder in mediocrity under top management and large fees. Thanks for allowing me to diversify my account and invest in growing companies with consistent returns."
– Andrew O., a member since 2004
"I normally don't subscribe to e-mail advertisements, but yours looked interesting. Two weeks later I quadrupled my initial investment of $1,500 on just two recommendations."
– Bill H., a member since 1998
And now here's one more high-profit opportunity that's sure to help our members get much richer in the coming months…
126,850% Gains… on this Global Retail Giant
Without a doubt, Wal-Mart is one of the greatest success stories of all time. Since going public, its stock has skyrocketed 126,850%.
This meteoric rise took the company's shares from four cents in 1971 all the way to $50.78 as of April 16th. That means that you could have made $12.6 million dollars off of just a $10,000 investment!
It was an amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Right?
Our research team has uncovered a way to buy actual shares of Wal-Mart stock for about $3...
The investment is simple. And it has nothing to do with options. You'll find out how to buy a special form of common stock.
And all the details are laid out in a new report we've just finalized called The World's Most Profitable Retailer for Under $5 a Share.
I'd like to send it to you free, right away… when you accept this limited-time offer to join our unique organization.
Your Invitation to a Lifetime of Profits
So here's what I suggest… If you agree that these ideas are worth a closer look, I'll immediately send you the below reports with my compliments. You'll get:
SPECIAL REPORT #1: How to Collect Your Government-Backed "Gas Rebate" Checks – Between October 1 and December 31, 2008, thousands of smart Americans received more than $582 million in govt.-authorized checks to refund wasted gas money. You can join them in just five minutes, in time to receive your first payment on August 14th… And you can find out how to continue getting payouts for the next year-and-a-half.
SPECIAL REPORT #2: How To Pile Up Huge Profits In A Shell-Shocked Market with Just One Move – This company is riding high on the $7 billion "house call wave." With more than 8,000 caregivers providing 4,302,000 home visits last year alone, it's the undisputed leader in the industry. And with 71 million potential customers on the horizon, business could easily double in the coming years.
SPECIAL REPORT #3: How to Buy the World's Most Profitable Retailer For Under $5 Per Share – There's a new way to own Wal-Mart… at a 95% "virtual discount". While your broker probably won't tell you about it – even if he knew about it – he can easily purchase this investment for you. Profits here could be extreme. Remember, "regular" Wal-Mart stock is up 126,850%.
SPECIAL REPORT #4: Trend Traders: Two Decades of World-Beating Performance – Most investors don't know it exists. But there's a simple investment with no correlation to the best stock and bond markets. It's produced an average gain of 15.5% per year since 1983. And made stunning bear market returns in 1987, 1990 and even from 2000 to 2002. You can find out how it can make you rich now… just in time to help you through these tough markets.
After receiving these reports, you'll start getting a stream of new recommendations – just like these. We'll also send you our private e-letter, The Oxford Insight, which provides instant updates on all our positions.
But that's not all…
Benefits You Can't Put a Price on
Here's more of what you'll get as a member…
You'll receive 24 issues of our confidential newsletter The Communiqué each year. This bulletin provides in-depth reports for our most urgent opportunities. You can also find updates on all of our current positions.
You'll get access to our financial network spanning 100 different countries… Special subscription offers to our highly profitable VIP services… Invitations to members-only regional meetings in exotic locales…
You'll receive our members-only publication – The Oxford Portfolio Update – twice-weekly right to your email inbox. We'll send urgent buy and sell alerts... inform you of new groundbreaking opportunities we're looking at... updates on current picks... recommendations on how to stay clear of the market mayhem. We'll also email you a weekly broadcast of our brand new talk show – Market Wake-Up Call. We bring in our top analysts and a series of special guests to get their up-to-the-minute insights.
You'll also get your own password so you can log onto our private website anytime – day or night. Here you'll find all of our recommendations and portfolios… More than three year's worth of Communiqué issues… Back issues of The Oxford Insight… An entire wealth library containing private dossiers on specific, timesensitive opportunities.
And more!
And then there are the members-only Oxford clubhouses around the world – a stunning chateau in the French countryside… a Pacific Paradise resort along the Nicaraguan coast… our restored brownstone mansion in Baltimore's historic Mt. Vernon district. As a member, you'll be free to visit any one of them…
You'll also enjoy access to financial experts in every field… Global investment expeditions… Pre-IPO investments… Financial services at huge discounts… The list goes on and on.
Use as many or as few of the services as you like. And you'll find out all about them in the Welcome Kit you'll receive once you sign up for a one-year Premiere membership to The Oxford Club for only $149.
Think about it…
You can discover how to get your gas for "free"… find out how to buy the world's most successful retailer for less than $5 a share… and most importantly, align yourself with one of the world's most powerful alliance of wealth seekers… all for about the cost of a nice dinner for two.
Plus, there's absolutely no risk for you to simply try it out.
If you look over our research and decide it's not for you, just send us an e-mail or give us a call within 45 days to let us know. You'll receive a full refund.
But feel free to keep the reports and everything else in your Welcome Kit. Consider it "thanks" for giving us a try.
The World's Most Profitable Opportunities… Right at Your Fingertips
Joining is simple. It only takes about five minutes. And once you've joined, you'll receive your Welcome Kit, along with the special reports I've told you about:
FREE Report #1 - How to Collect Your Government-Backed "Gas Rebate" Checks
FREE Report #2 - How To Pile Up Huge Profits In A Shell-Shocked Market with Just One Move
FREE Report #3 - How to Buy the World's Most Profitable Retailer For Under $5 Per Share
FREE Report #4 - Trend Traders: Two Decades of World-Beating Performance With No Market Correlation
And again, if you decide for any reason that The Oxford Club isn't for you, just pick up the phone and let us know within 45 days. We'll refund every penny of your membership…
But the research is yours to keep.
But You Must Respond Immediately to Get Your Check on August 14th
The only catch is…
… you must act now to ensure you qualify for your first check on August 14th.
So for a limited time, we're going to allow you to join for only $79 – almost half off the normal price.
But please don't delay.
As soon as we receive your acceptance, we'll rush you this special report by email (if you provide your address) to make sure you get in before the deadline