10 years ago, I took charge of an unusual project...
In short, I set out to find the very best businesses you could run from home... to make a decent amount of money... without having to work too hard or have any special skill.
I even offered $500 to anyone who could give me a valuable business idea... and interviewed hundreds of people nationwide.
You wouldn't believe the stuff I heard...
For example, one guy tried to sell me on a "Soap Pocket Towel" (a washcloth with a velcro pocket to hold soap)... which he thought was worth millions.
Then there was Jim "the Junk Man" Sciuto, who found a clever way to remove the gold from old electronics and computers... and sell it for a profit.
One woman told me a secret to making money off hospital bills. (You can collect a few dollars by spotting clerical errors.)
A few of these ideas seemed OK, but none were exactly what I was looking for...
What I wanted was a simple way to make 5 figures a year from home... without ever dealing with a boss... or driving to an office each day. Call it freedom, if you want.
Well... it took me almost a decade, but in 2005, I finally found it ?after receiving an e-mail from California.
So far, the few people I've written to about this idea have made a small fortune. For example, "I've made $15,000," says Kris R...
- "$11,400 in 2 days," reports A. Irving, Maine.
- "$5,400 in 3 days," reports J. Bailey, Florida.
Personally, I once made $7,400 on a single transaction thanks to this secret little "biz." (My wife and I used the money to spend an entire summer in an oceanside resort town.)
The point is: If you've ever considered starting your own home business... please don't do it until you read this letter.
One fellow with a conventional website-based business, Y. Silbur, writes, "I went out to dinner last night for my wife's birthday. Around 11 a.m. today, I logged on to my e-mail and woke to $2,312.17 in my inbox."
However, what I'm about to share with you is not really a "business" at all in the conventional sense. There's NO selling... no advertising... and no website.
Let me repeat: There's no website... and no selling or advertising.
You can do this anywhere, in as little as 5 minutes a day. It doesn't matter what your age or education is... or require that you hire any employees or send any e-mails.
The simple truth is, if you have a computer and an Internet connection, you could make hundreds of dollars a week with this, day and night.
As Matt V. says, "I made $7,000 in a single afternoon."
Whether you've always wanted to start your own business... or you're just looking for a lucrative hobby... what I'm about to reveal could be exactly what you want.
Let me give you the full story...
Sell the WorldWhen I first began my search for the perfect way to make money from home... I asked myself: "If I could create any business I wanted, what would it be?"
I remembered the advice of Richard Russell, a market veteran who famously once wrote, "The ideal business sells the world."
For one, I knew I wanted something that required very little start-up money.
For another ?I knew it had to be something that didn't require any employees. I already have a full-time job, and certainly didn't have time to worry about hiring and firing.
Put simply, I wanted something I could simply "turn on" with the potential to generate a few hundred extra dollars each day, for doing basically... well... nothing. There'd be no office... no commute... and no annual reviews.
Little could I predict, that's exactly what I would find...
The 5-Minute Work DayAfter flying across the country to a small town in northern California ?I found an amazing way to make a killing, day in and day out... using the Internet.
But bear in mind: This is nowhere near a typical Internet business.
As I mentioned, it's really not a "business" at all in the traditional sense.
You don't need a website... and you're not selling a single product to anyone. You will not be starting a "dot com."
But you will need a computer and an Internet connection, because the only place in the world where it's still easy to make $1,000s a week ?with almost no effort on your part ?is online.
Still, some guys do it the hard way...
For example, J. Emerson, 56, started a conventional website-based business in 1999. He says he hasn't touched it in years. But it still keeps bringing in enough money to pay the mortgage, the utilities, and two car payments.
Or consider Y. Silbur in Maryland...
"It's not unusual to take in $1,500 to $2,000 a day or more," he writes. Of course, the money is great... but the bigger benefit is the freedom of living the �nternet lifestyle.' Now I have the time to do whatever I want to... Play volleyball, paint, goof off, go bungee jumping..."
Once you set up a conventional website-based business, it often works on auto-pilot. As Y. Silbur, who's made over $3 million says, "[it's like a] 21st-century electronic vending machine."
That's great for him... but what I'm going to show you is even better.
Still, it works the same way. For example, Y. Silbur's money comes in even if he's on vacation and miles away from his computer. Here's a snapshot of one of his account statements.
He notes, "My family and I typically head to Aruba for the week of Thanksgiving, and during the last trip, $12,352.89 was deposited in my account. I didn't even bring my laptop."
I know what you're thinking: "The only people who can make money on the Internet have some big idea... or they're experts... or they know someone..."
Often, that's true. The Internet is like any other field of business.
The fact is, you don't need any advanced computer skills... or need any programmers to get started. In fact, most folks with conventional online businesses are the exact opposite of techies.
- "I have an epic and profound dislike for the Internet," says D. Kennedy... who says he's made $500,000 a year, thanks to his online business. "It hasn't stopped me."
- "I'm a computer dunce. I literally cannot put up my own web site if you put a gun to my head," says Y. Silbur, who recently made $18,732.37 in 1 month.
But as you'll see ?what I'm about to share can be done by anyone and takes only 5 minutes a day. And it is not a conventional website-based "business," like the ones D. Kennedy and Y. Silbur built the hard way. This can be far more effective.
And let me make something clear: What I'm going to reveal in this letter is NOT a manual or some lame start-up kit...
The simple truth is: What you're about to see is a real opportunity that has shown some of the biggest gains I've seen in my career, to folks across the country...
- One guy who's doing this, Tim J. in Dallas, writes me: "It's like having a cash register."
- "I made $20,000 last week," says R. Yaeger, Tucson.
But to me ?the most surprising thing about this secret isn't the gains you could see... or how quickly you could make money...
It's how you get started...
Step #1: No ProductWith most Internet businesses ?you make money by selling a product or service online, which is delivered electronically or in the mail.
For example, take L. Cornell ?a guy in Indiana who sells ventriloquist puppets from a website. He's done well with his conventional website-based business... writing, "It has given [my wife and I] money for nicer vacations and allows me to buy a lot of the toys I want."
But last year, Cornell made only $35,000 from his business. That's not bad ?but think of what it cost him to make and ship all those products...
By using what I call the "Ultimate Home Biz" instead... he could have made a lot more...
- "On numerous occasions, I have made over $10K in a few days," says Tom V., who's been using the "Ultimate Home Biz" since last year.
- "I made $8,000 in a single day," says D.T.
You see, by using the opportunity I'm going to explain... you don't ever need to make or ship any product... run a factory... or store any inventory.
That's because it doesn't deal with a physical product.
And even better ?it's something that's used by hundreds of thousands of people every single week... year in and year out.
Which brings me to...
Step #2: No AdvertisingTo make money online, you usually have to advertise. The way I see it, you have 3 different options...
Option #1 is to hire someone. That's what a fellow named R. Patrick did ?and he now makes $600 a week with his conventional website-based business.
The problem is, he splits his revenue 50/50 with the ad writer. In fact, I've heard some ad writers charge $20,000 for a single promotion!
Option #2 is to do it yourself, but unless you're a born marketer... you won't win. You'll be competing against pros ?guys who spend weeks writing their ads.
Option #3 is to do what I'm going to share with you here, which requires no advertising at all... because you're offering something almost everyone in the world already wants.
For example, I read about a guy named J. Weston, who says he's made $1,623 in the space of a single week by using a similar approach to the "The Ultimate Home Biz." (Since then, he's reported gains of $25,000 in a single week.)

Weston is not a professional ad writer, nor has he hired one. The incredible thing is ?after sharing these results, he wrote: "it was... an ok week for me."
To me, that's what makes the world of online money-making truly great. Once you start pocketing that kind of cash, $1,000 a week feels like "no big deal."
For example, consider Dan L., 59, from Austin ?who worked at a corporation before starting a conventional website-based business. He writes:
"I hated the daily commutes... I hated wearing a suit and tie. Today I'm generating close to a quarter million dollars... all from home and with zero employees. I can get up anytime I please, work as much or as little as I like, hang out with my family all day long, and dress as I please. The difference is night and day."
And finally...
Step #3: No WebsiteTypically, no website = no business.
For example, consider Ryan Lee ?whose website is Ryan Lee.com. "I got started when I built a simple website," he says. "My a-ha moment came when I realized people would pay for my information on the Internet. We take a lot of vacations and we live comfortably in a house worth almost two million dollars."
Good for you, Ryan. But the truth is ?you probably could have made just as much money... without the huge hassles of setting up and running a website.
You see ?business websites can cost thousands of dollars to build... and can be a real pain to run. You need a merchant account to process the orders... software to collect "opt-in" email addresses... HTML code to format your content... a delivery system for a product... on and on. It takes months to get started.
Compare this to Gerry R. ?a guy in Chicago who's been using "The Ultimate Home Biz" since last fall. With no website... no product... and no advertising, he's made $310,000 so far. Nice work, Gerry.
Bottom-line: If you're like most folks ?and simply want the opportunity to make some quick cash online without any of the set-up work associated with starting a conventional website-based business ?this is about as good as it gets...
For me, it all began with a simple trip out West...
How I Discovered ThisWalnut Creek is a small town in northern California, known for its clear blue sky and 5-star vineyards...
It was here my search for the perfect home business finally ended ?as I knocked on the door of J. ?a man who has made his fortune with the "Ultimate Home Biz."
A genial man in his 40s, he showed me into a modest sitting room. At a glance, J. gave no impression of being wealthy, no sign he was about to show me one of the world's most profitable secrets...
"A friend of mine does it too," J. told me. "He's made $200,000 a year."
"Who else have you shown?" I asked.
"I showed another friend who made over half a million in about a year. He bought a house in the Sierras."
With a twinkle in his eye ?J. went on to explain how anyone in the country could repeat this amazing performance in just 5 minutes per day... no matter how much or how little experience he has... beginning with very little money.
Where the Money Comes FromAs it turns out, J. developed his strategy for making $1,000s a week from home after retiring from a 16-hour-a-day corporate job in money management...
"Part of my duties were to train young brokers for Wall Street investment firms ?places like Goldman, Sachs and J.P. Morgan. As much as I enjoyed it, the hours were brutal. My days began at sunrise and often lasted till midnight."
So J. left that world, but not without taking something with him...
It was a technique... a secret he'd learned from Wall Street firms to collect a small fortune each day at 10 a.m., with almost no effort.
You see ?everyone knows Wall Street bankers are rich. At Goldman, Sachs alone, a starting salary can reach $350,000... and The New York Times says the holiday 2009 bonuses reached $225,000 per person.
But what you may not realize is, these guys get paid for essentially doing nothing. They literally sit on their ass all day and gossip like school girls.
"You wouldn't believe the stuff I've seen," I was told by one former Merrill Lynch worker. "Guys pulling down six figures a year spend their entire mornings talking about their favorite bars and restaurants..."
Well ?what makes it possible for some of these folks to do so well without having to sweat is the business they run.
"They offer people a chance to get rich," J. said. "That's their business."
In short ?as you know, Wall Street banks allow anyone in the world to speculate in the markets... on
top stocks for 2011, bonds, you name it...
But what J. discovered after training over 1,100 brokers and spending 20 years in the investment business... is that the real cash bankers receive doesn't come from a commission ?but from an obscure type of transaction.
"They structure these transactions in such a way that the bankers always get paid when people invest, as much as triple- to quadruple-digit returns..."
And what J. realized, after quitting the brokerage life to spend more time with his wife and 2 sons, was that he could structure the exact same transactions in just 5 minutes... on his own... from a simple home computer.
That's why we call this investment strategy "The Ultimate Home Biz." It offers the opportunity to make a lot of money, with very little effort... in a very short amount of time...
- "I've made about $15,000 in three weeks," says B. Patterson, 45, who does this in his spare time.
- W. Gibson says, "I've made $40,515 on 6 transactions."
(Keep in mind, these are people who discovered this strategy through J.)
By using the same technique as the brokers he'd trained for two decades, J. had essentially created the world's most potentially profitable "business"... a strategy that leaves conventional Internet businessmen, like Y. Silbur and L. Cornell, far behind.
It essentially allows anyone with an Internet connection and an online brokerage account to replicate exactly what Wall Street does ?without ever needing to get a broker's license... an MBA degree... or setting one foot outside the house.
In other words ?there's simply no need to sell a product... launch a website... or advertise, for a chance to make money online.
Just open your computer and do exactly what Wall Street does...
1,391% from 1 TransactionFor example, take Gateway (GTW), the once-popular computer maker from Iowa, one of J.'s first transactions...
"Those computers were selling like hotcakes at the time. So was the
best stock for 2011. What I did was structure a transaction ?just like Wall Street ?to make money off all the idiots buying shares at the peak."
It took J. less than 5 minutes to set-up the transaction online... and he didn't buy a single share of Gateway ?or any other company ?to do it.
"I made a 1,391% return," he told me.
As J. explained it to me, you set-up these large payouts by putting a small amount of cash into each transaction...
Then ?you sit back and watch.
"In the case of Gateway, I made enough to turn every $5,000 into $69,550," he told me. "And I received my money over a period of 3 months or so. Other times, it happens a lot faster. For example..."
He told me about Strayer (STRA)... which made him 1,285% over the space of 48 hours... enough to turn $5,000 into $64,250.
"When I turned on my computer 2 days later, I couldn't believe how much money I'd made," J. recalls.
Another of J.'s transactions was Netflix (NFLX)...
"I kept seeing Netflix envelopes. So I realized the company was probably going to shoot up soon. But I didn't want to
buy the best stock. I knew I could make even MORE by using one of these transactions..."
He was right. J. made a 1,007% gain in just over a month, enough to turn every $5,000 into $50,350 on a single transaction.
As always, he received this money without buying any stock whatsoever.
I was impressed. I had finally found the perfect home "biz."
But it wasn't until J. opened his laptop ?and gave me a snapshot of the hundreds of transactions he'd recommended ?that I saw its full potential...
**158% in 23 days on AMZN | **100% in 2 days on GLG |
**170% in 18 days on PFCB | **122% in 5 days on QQQQ |
**129% in 11 days on CFC | **124% in 14 days on WYNN |
**109% in 15 days on JNJ | **128% in 17 days on MEE |
"But before you go off and start doing this yourself," J. told me, "there's one thing I'll have to show you. It's the trick of the entire operation..."
J.'s 10 a.m. SecretIn short: you create these transactions with an online brokerage account.
Once you're logged in... you simply type in the name of a company, and then buy what's called an "option."
I realize you've probably heard of options before... but I can assure you, what I'm about to describe is unlike any options technique in the business.
One guy I know of, J. Pangelinan, has used this secret to make $100,000 in the space of a single year.
Simply put, J. has a 10 a.m. secret approach to using options which could bring you enough cash each week to make you a 5-figure income each year.
You see, an "option" allows you to make money on
best stocks for 2011 whether they rise, drop, or do nothing... without buying a single share.
And even better ?for every 1 point move on a best stock for 2011, an option will typically move 10 to 20 TIMES more. And with J.'s secret, often 50 to 100 TIMES more...
For example, consider the retail chain 99?Only Stores (NDN).
On Aug. 4, 2009, J. was certain the best stock would fall. So around 10 a.m., he found a "put" option for it... an option that makes money when
top stocks fall.
The stock fell just 11%... but with J.'s 10 a.m. option recommendation, you could have made a 100% return in 14 days.
Or consider Palomar (PMTI), a medical firm.
On July 21, 2008, J. was certain the 2011 best stock would shoot up. So around 10 a.m., he found a "call" option for it... an option that makes money when best stocks rise.
The stock rose 60%... but with J.'s 10 a.m. recommendation, you'd have made a 490% return in 25 days.
So far, hundreds of people are following J.'s approach...
As Shawn M. in Iowa says, "My returns are averaging over 100%. I have not lost money on a single transaction yet."
"I've only been doing this for 4 months," says Don I. in Miami. "But this week I made 888% in less than 48 hours."
One of my favorite stories is Dendreon (DNDN), a drugmaker...
When this Seattle firm announced upcoming lab results ?many people loaded up on the
best stock to buy... certain it would take off.
But not J. He wasn't sure what would happen.
He recommended his 10 a.m. options approach instead... and told hundreds of readers about it. One guy in Florida followed his recommendation and made a 1,017% return in 48 hours while some shareholders made nothing.
That's enough to turn every $5,000 into $50,850. And the truth is... there are literally dozens of stories like this...
- "I've doubled my money 10 times." (Tim D., Wyoming.)
- "I made 5 times my money in 12 days." (L. Tripper, Boston.)
- "I'm up 700%." (A. Helmand, Utah.)
Paid a Fortune for a Single IdeaHaving seen the tremendous response from people already following J.'s work, I wanted to share this information with all our S&A readers, so they too could have the opportunity to immediately begin using his 10 a.m. options approach...
J.'s put in countless hours of research and analysis to make this opportunity available to our readers. In return ?I arranged to pay him a small fortune, which he has since received by check from our Baltimore office.
But to me it was worth it, because J.'s report, The Ultimate Home Business, shows the secret approach behind some of the greatest gains I've seen...
**233% in 13 days on DHI | **250% in 14 days on SLW |
**109% in 14 days on UNG | **100% in 48 hours on PBR |
**490% in 25 days on PMTI | **122% in 17 days on EMC |
**200% in 29 days on F | **182% in 35 days on WIRE |
**110% in 24 hours on SMH | **150% in 4 days on TOL |
In fact, since I met J., he's shared his 10 a.m. options approach with folks across the country... and they've done even better than I anticipated...
- "I love this! I bought 2 options on Tuesday and closed out on Thursday for 110% and 104%. I'm making money consistently." (S. Branam, Georgia.)
- "I bought options during my lunch break Tuesday and doubled my money by lunch on Wednesday." (T. Emerson, Arizona.)
- "These picks have been nothing short of amazing. I have traded the market for many years and have experienced terrific success, but I must admit ?I have NEVER seen something this good. THANK YOU!" (M. Howitt, Utah.)
If you're interested, you can access J.'s report, The Ultimate Home Business, right now, online... for no charge at all. (I'll explain how in just a moment).
Inside, you'll learn...
 | How to spot the most profitable options plays at 10 a.m. |
 | J.'s secret to getting started with only a few hundred dollars |
 | Why the next 12 months could make you a killing |
And that's only the beginning...
You see ?my name is Mike Palmer. I've spent my entire career (17 years now) in search of unusual but profitable ways to make money from home.
Along the way... I became a partner at S&A Investment Research ?where I share my discoveries. Over the years, I've investigated dozens of terrific opportunities... from getting extra money from Social Security... to buying "penny" real estate in Hawaii.
But one of the most profitable secrets I've found, by far, is the options technique I learned from J. ?which I've been telling you about.
One thing I found out is that J. has been following S&A Research for years on his own... and has always been interested in our business.
Today, he's a full-time S&A analyst.
And by joining us... J. has since set into motion the single most lucrative trading research letter we've ever released at S&A Research...
Tuesdays at 10 a.m. (EST)You see, as I said before, there's an easy way to make money on options in just 5 minutes... with very little effort.
 | That's where J. comes in. |
In short: Every Tuesday morning around 10 a.m. EST, J. sends an e-mail with his newest recommended options play ?telling you exactly what to get into...
Because his e-mails are so brief and to-the-point... we call this research advisory The S&A Short Report. And the fact is, in the 10-year history of our company, it's become the single most successful research letter we publish.
Since J. began, you could have doubled your money 41 times by following his options plays. 41 TIMES.
The only question is, is this type of investment research right for you?
Well... that's for you to decide. But I can tell you this: the folks who receive J.'s e-mails have seen an absolute killing in this market...
- Bill G. says he's made between $500,000 and $600,000 so far since he began following The S&A Short Report.
- Chris L. made over $50,000 in 2008.
- Andy K. says, "In only 2 weeks I've booked over $10K in profits. Serious kudos to you."
I know what you're thinking: "But aren't options risky?"
Well, as with any investment, there are definite risks. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a fool.
I know for me personally, after watching the market crash over 4,000 points in 2008... I think STOCKS are very risky right now.
But here's the thing... as J. put it recently:
"Anyone who thinks top stocks are safer than options right now ?after what's happened on Wall Street ?is what I call a share price sucker. You can get lucky now and then on a big capital gain... but by spotting the right option play, you can almost always generate a larger and faster return."
The point is, I believe that following J.'s techniques in the options market is much, much safer than putting your money into ordinary
best stocks for 2011, bonds, and mutual funds right now.
The reason is: When it comes to spotting the right option... I don't know of anyone else in America with J.'s professional experience...
For over 20 years, J. ran his own private money management firm, which is how he refined this secret approach, working with hundreds of people who went on to make six to seven figures a year, in some cases, on Wall Street.
In all ?J. managed $60 million in client accounts... for folks like CEOs, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. He generated millions in profit a year.
"Every idea he had seemed to work out," recalls one of his old clients.
People speak of J. with a glow you rarely find in this business. Take a look:
- "He's by far the best I've seen in decades of trading," writes Dan L. from Ohio. "His insight is almost clairvoyant," says D. Knight in Texas.
- One guy ?Chris C. in Omaha, went as far as to write, "He is the best trader to ever walk the face of the earth."
But before I go on, I should apologize...
First 2,500 OnlyI know I've spent this entire letter telling you how easy it is to begin using J.'s approach from home immediately. And that's entirely true.
For reasons I'm about to explain ?we've decided to make this opportunity available only to our most serious subscribers... not the folks who pay just $99 a year for research and "tire-kick" our work for free.
You see ?typically, it would cost you at least $10,000 to launch a conventional Internet business on your own...
There's the cost of building and running a website... hiring the HTML computer programmer... hiring a writer for advertising... making the product... on and on. Some folks spend $20,000 for a single launch.
But with The S&A Short Report, it's almost as if we're handing you an Internet "biz" on a silver platter... pre-assembled and ready to go...
- "I made $7,000 in a single afternoon." (M. Volker, Montana.)
That's why we're doing 2 things to ensure only the appropriate type of person can get into this opportunity... the kind of folks who recognize the value of S&A Short Report for what it is.
1) We're charging a high price... among the most we charge for any single advisory letter we publish.
2) We're limiting membership to the first 2,500 people.
The truth is, we've never limited membership to the Short Report before...
But as I said ?we do NOT want "tire-kickers." We've invested a great deal into the research and analysis behind the S&A Short Report... and spent months refining it.
The way I see it... if you want a piece of the action, you ought to be willing to pay for it ?and be willing to start immediately. As one subscriber put it:
"You should charge $10,000 a year for The Short Report to keep out the riff-raff!"
One full year subscription to The S&A Short Report costs $4,000.
To me, that's a bargain... especially when you realize your first recommended play alone could pay for your entire subscription:
"Made my newsletter cost in one play!" says John K. in Atlanta.
However, because we're limiting membership to the first 2,500 people... there is one piece of good news for you...
In short, if you're among the 2,500 to respond to this offer... you can receive the first three (3) months of Short Report essentially free of charge.
 | That means you can receive one full year for just $3,000. |
Believe me, that's an unbelievable deal for J.'s work...
When J. ran his brokerage firm... you needed $250,000 to even qualify as one of his clients...
Plus, he charged a $5,000 minimum... and a 10% commission on all gains.
But with The S&A Short Report, you get J.'s expertise and research for a fraction of that price... the kind of expertise that can be worth thousands of dollars a month:
- "I'm up 300%," says reader D. Berry, Oklahoma.
- "I've made $58,000 on plays lasting from a few hours to within minutes," says reader Jack K., Boston.
- "My first play resulted in a 155% return in 2 days." (F.D., Seattle.)
Just remember: To receive $1,000 off the price, you must be in the first 2,500 to respond to this offer...
Otherwise ?you'll be too late.
5 Minutes a Week... For a Year By following the S&A Short Report ?you can begin using "The Ultimate Home Biz" this upcoming Tuesday, around 10 a.m. (EST).
That's when J. will release his newest option recommendation. As with every recommendation he makes, you'll have the potential to at least DOUBLE your money...
- 343% in 11 days on MSO
- 300% in 14 days on AMZN
- 106% in 48 HOURS on GLG
I can't tell you yet what the option play will be... because J. typically spends a full week searching for it ?often waking at 4 a.m. to analyze thousands of companies for the perfect set-up... preparing for each Tuesday.
But I can tell you this: By doing this over the next year, I predict you could make more money than you've ever made before ?with any style of investing.
Throughout the week ?J. will stay in constant touch with you, telling you exactly when to exit the option play for the biggest gain possible...
Everything begins when you access J.'s free Special Report right now:
- The Ultimate Home Business
This exclusive report will tell you everything you need to know to begin following J.'s options plays for a chance at a 5-figure side income ?as much money as you could make through any conventional home business I'm aware of... with NONE of the website set-up work.
Remember: It would cost you $10,000 or more to start your own home business, yet by following The Short Report, you could have the opportunity to make money from home for a mere fraction of that...
That's why it's important to act immediately if you're interested, before we freeze enrollment. At #2,500 ?we're pulling the plug.
I don't care if you're #2,501. If you're too late... we won't let you in.