Friday, September 28, 2012

Green Investments, the Way of the Future Or Not?

Green funds or green investment are basically certain investment channels, such as stocks, ETFs and mutual funds, wherein green investment are made to business organizations that work towards improving the environment. Now, there is a vast range of green investment, such as developing alternative fuels (e.g.: biofuels), solar planes, green cars, green buildings, reforestation, etc. Simply put, green funds are those that invest mainly in companies working for the environment or industries that work for amending the current environmental situation. These Green funds repel companies that pollute and only support those that are environmentally friendly and help in the wellbeing of our planet. Most green investment are made through Green Mutual Funds. Green Mutual Funds are the funds invested in companies or organizations that have a high level of activity of projects that are beneficial to the environment. Basically, there are two models of such companies – one that is actively involved in helping the environment, and the other which follows certain guidelines that are environmentally friendly.

Exchange traded funds, commonly abbreviated to ETFs, are bought and sold in much of a similar manner as any other stock is. However, there are certain criteria to consider while choosing a green ETF. These may include: turnover, expense ratio, and index weighing and composition. Several green ETFs are available, most preferred being renewable energy ETFs and water sector ETFs. Lately, the green stock market has been flourishing. With the shocking increase in oil consumption, natural disasters as well as the perilous effects of global warming on our planet, more and more people are opting for green investment. It’s not only a means of investing wisely, but also a means of ensuring the safety of our planet. Recycling, reforestation, renewable energy, organic food, agriculture, green cars, energy efficiency, waste water treatment, etc., all are areas of green investment. Money may be invested in any of the above green industries. However, investing in green funds is a no child’s play. The trick is to invest, in what one would call, “safe green funds”. Take Allianz, for example. It is not the only green mutual, but it is one of the few that offers a wide diversity of green investment in eco-friendly companies, such as hybrid vehicles, water filtration systems, desalination plants, and pollution solutions. Going green has never been this easy before. Start with baby steps. Switch from fossil fuels (i.e. diesel and petrol) to alternative energy. True, alternative energies like biomass, solar energy, wave power are unconventional, but they are known to have a minimal effect on the environment. Green investment can also be made in alternative energy mutual funds, which are like any other green mutual fund company.

The difference is that these funds extract money solely from investors looking for capital returns in alternative energy sector companies. The funds are then invested in companies that deal with this particular area of green investing. However, as with every ethical and moral issue, controversies also run amok in the field of green investment. What one individual may consider a green investment, another may not. And since there is no particular definition of a green investment, green investors are making sure that they do a bit of research to ascertain whether the company they are investing in fits the bill of what they would consider “green”. The future of green funds as well as its corresponding stock market seems to have more potential than earlier assumed. The green stock market has never bloomed so much as it has the past couple of years. People are now realizing the importance of protecting our planet and no longer care much about profits or returns. The benefits of planet Earth have been exploited enough.

There is more awareness today and green investment is a huge step towards an attempt to make Planet Earth a safe place to live in. The future of these stock markets can be guaranteed bright as many companies are finally realizing its importance and working towards saving the planet before filling their own pockets and not caring about the harm their companies are causing to the environment. Hence, one can be sure that by the rate at which this is growing, it is sure to make a mark and bring about a global revolution that hopefully will save us from the environmental plight we are facing right now.

Mark H. is an expert on green investment and you can read more of his work at

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