Wednesday, July 11, 2012

S.W.A.T Teams to the Gulf! Time to Sell Oil Companies?

by Dominique de Kevelioc, de Bailleul

Anyone watching President Obama speak from the White House Rose Garden should be shaking their heads following his bizarre statement regarding the British Petroleum oil spill in the gulf.

“I do want to speak briefly to the American people about the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico,� said Obama. �Earlier today DHS Secretary Napolitano announced that this incident is of national significance and the Department of Interior has announced that they will be sending SWAT teams to the Gulf to inspect all platforms and rigs and I have ordered the secretaries of interior and Homeland Security as well as administrator Lisa Jackson of the Environmental Protection Agency to visit the site on Friday to ensure that BP and the entire U.S. government is doing everything possible not just to respond to this incident but also to determine its cause.”

This administration, not unlike the past one, has used the threat of terrorism in every instance to snatch rights, freedoms and treasure from the American people. With the reinvestigation behind the unlikely cause of the destruction of the twin towers in New York gaining steam along with the swing toward referring disbelievers of the official report of 9-11 as patriots and not as manic-depressives to whom the government �useless idiots� would like to have these brave people of conscience referred, we are given another incident of disaster to ponder� whether the truth will be told regarding the BP oil spill or will another bizarre executive order be forthcoming instead.

For our safety, of course, the U.S. goon squad may just seize the U.S. oil industry in the name of national security, spinning the move as anything but a Hugo Chavez banana republic seizure of property rights. S.W.A.T teams don�t have the expertise to determine the cause of an oil leak from an offshore platform as far as we knew.

People, those darn terrorist are at it again. Give the government your property.

Was the spill caused by a terrorist group? Of course, anything is possible. But the question that will linger in the minds of many sane and rational Americans is: Is this just another Reichstag ploy to again bypass the legislative processes required of our Constitutional Republic?

Still not convinced that something might be askew in this ongoing nightmare of incremental insidious tyranny on the loose?

�Private security guards with Blackhawk Protection blocked media access to the hotel early Thursday, and would not let reporters or photographers near the area where rig workers were getting off vans,� wrote Chris Kirkham of The Times-Picayune, who reported on the workers� arrival to shore from the offshore BP rig in question.

Something is obviously not right. Reporters cannot ask questions in the new Fascist Republic. Freedom of the Press has been abolished as well. This is not an isolated incident of the federal-level goon squads preventing press coverage with assault rifles and armed stooges. Everything now is a matter of national security, didn’t you know?

Since not many answers will likely be forthcoming regarding the BP oil spill, should investors sell shares of oil companies?

Under these mysterious circumstances, holders of oil stocks may want to consider dumping shares and take a wait-and-see posture until this latest U.S. government sideshow is resolved. The three biggest industries are under attack or meddled by this government gone rogue, including the bank, healthcare, and now, possibly, energy industries.

Caution is advised. A lot of private enterprises have been seized or mangled during the past two years, wiping out investors or enriching them depending upon the whims of a Czar in charge at the moment.

The American people have questions of THEIR government, many questions. What ever happened to the polite phrase we often heard in school, �There�s no such thing as a stupid question.� Apparently, the U.S. government determines whether a question is stupid or not, and then decides whether it should S.W.A.T team you for daring to ask.

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