Sunday, April 8, 2012

Airports Ditching Wasteful, Violating TSA

No person likes to be violated. But for years now, many are believing that the TSA has been violating thousands of innocent travelers in airports with their new security measures.

The TSA procedures slow down our travel schedule. They cost us a lot of money. They look at our private areas (and at times touch and violate those areas). And all for what?

People argue that it's all to protect us from terrorist attacks and to keep us safe. But what if they were doing neither?

Security expert Bruce Schneier says that the TSA's efforts are "security theater" as the amount of dangerous items they miss is astronomical. He notes that during the agency's multi-billion-dollar history, it has yet to thwart a single attempted terrorist attack.

And the people traveling in the United States are fed up with "theater".

One incredibly aggravated writer, Amy Alkon, decided to make an example of the TSA after she accused an agent of raping her back in March 2011. She made public of the TSA agent's violating “pat-down” and “feel-up”. Here is her explanation of the incident (which got her a letter from the agent's lawyer with a $500,000 fee for "defaming" the TSA employee) :

I found that I had no choice but to get the pat-down. Tears welled in my eyes – for how we've allowed the Constitution to be torn up at the airport door and because I was powerless to stop a total stranger from groping my breasts and genitals as a condition of normal, ordinary business travel...

In fact, I sobbed my guts out as the agent groped me. And then it happened: She jammed the side of her latex-gloved hand up into my genitals. Four times, with only the fabric of my pants as! a barri er. I was shocked – utterly unprepared for how she got the side of her hand up there. Powerless to stop her, but not to vigorously protest what she had done to me, I yelled afterward, "YOU RAPED ME."

Very public displays of our civil rights being violated happen each day at airports across the country and more citizens are fed up with it. One college student, in protest, stripped down before going through the security checkpoint. He dropped his pants and exposed his bare chest having a citation of the Fourth Amendment written on it. He was arrested for disorderly conduct.

And yet we continue to believe that the TSA that is protecting us from terrorist attacks with their massively expensive scanners and particular security codes. But last year in Dallas, one TSA tester sneaked a gun through the body scanner. Five separate times!

Wealth Wire has touched upon the TSA's limited ability to “secure” it's travelers and country several times while violating our civil liberties, but here we will show you how poorly executed, incredibly expensive, and frighteningly penetrable the TSA's security checks are.

Blogger Jonathan Corbett posted this video, “How to Get Anything Through TSA Nude Body Scanners” article and video on his site earlier this month and received a lot of attention. The TSA responded with a pathetic, non-denial on their blog. Take a look at how Corbett completely passes through security and proves the nude body machines useless.

Some airports are even attempting to opt out of the program entirely. The Orlando Sanford International Airport is the latest to apply to use private operators to screen passengers, though sti! ll using federal standards and oversight.

U.S. Rep. John Mica included a provision in recent legislation that strengthens the ability of airports to use private screeners though only 16 airports have utilized it.


There are many reasons for these airports to opt out of the TSA, and details them all in the infographic below:

The numbers are infuriating if you trust them all. 70% of weapons make it past TSA screeners? It costs us $6 million to find each gun? We spend more than double on the TSA than we do clean energy? And don’t even look at the salaries they’re making.

                                         (click to enlarge)


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